company for my 1:1000 runabout.


New Member
May 6, 2009
My runabout is the only 1:1000 model i have, and in dire need of some company.

So i started on a mate for it and here are the preliminaty pictures and an animation.
FYI: that is 13 mm diameter and a 3mm led should fit snugly into it.

Now this is not detailed yet, but watertight and the indentations where there should be light are in place, so i can testprint it in a white semi opague plastic, to check if enough light will pass through the thin areas so it is diffused.
If not i have to resort to transparent.
The front part of the reactor is still 1 piece, but it will be split in a cilinder with a rim and a ring that slides over it.
The cylinder will be transparent and the ring also white plastic. (or all transparent , in which case the part can stay 1 piece).
I plan to make a hollow main hull to house another led to light the galley windows and the cockpit and also 1 blue led in each engine which i would like to be able to rotate.

Oh BTW, fans already know ofcourse what this is going to be: Serenity (movie version)

The whole thing will be 6.3 cm long, 4 cm wide and 1.8 cm high and if things go as planned i will be able to prototype one of these for less than $15.
These parts cost less than $2 to print and is about 1/8 of the total volume of plastic needed if i am correct, because most of it will be hollow :)

One could say i'm a person of extremes, the stuff i like is either extremely large or incredibly small, but it just has to have lights :)
I've been incapacitated for 2 months so i didn't have time to work on the 1:1000 serenity.
I did try to print what i already had in 1 file, but some of the parts were just a tad too small, which caused the whole file not to be printed, so in the near future i will upload and print each part seperate, so i can identify where the problem is.
By no means have i forgotten about the 1/1000 serenity, it just will take longer due to a severe injury.
But i'll keep you posted.

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