COMPLETE - Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Think you are right with more going onto her as you go here...i.e filter and what not!!! Keep those fire lit!!! ;)
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

i remember those episodes :) they were fun.

scott it looks really good at the mo looks kinda like a burnt out pickup
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Thanks for the comments guys.


OK - I have been talking this paint job over with a few guys and decided to try to add a layer of gloss blue. First I chipped back more of the flat blue from last night, then added a truck load of salt and topped that with a layer of hairspray. Then I shot a coat of gloss blue.

Here are the results. LOL! I don't ever recall seeing a truck that looked like this. Perhaps the weathering will tone it down and unify this a bit. LOL......aint' learning fun!

Oh and for the record, these photos are a tad bright. The contrast is quite this dramatic. Maybe another go round with smaller grains of salt and another coat of gloss blue. ??



Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

:eek: :eek: :eek:....LOL!!!!!!! That is awesome!!! These truck are beat to shiite usually!! Cargo strapped all over...multiple guys, women, children hanging all over...goats!!! Try a quick wash or filter and maybe a light buff after with a tissue. Thinking this is looking the part though!!.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

LOL. Thanks Todd. I just buffed it and it did help. Thanks for all your advice dood. I'm sure I'll be asking again.

Speaking of goats... I do have some 1/35 hens. I should put one in the passenger seat or something. A small cage could be appropriate but I'm not about to try and scratch one of those. !
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

I sanded all the tires. Here's a quick pic. Notice in the red can see how the tread lifted from the sanding.

I suppose I should correct / remove that eh?


That's it for me 2nite. I'm beat. Time to go put my feet up and dive into the chapters on dioramas in AK Interactive's FAQ 2. It's a really great read!
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Man're not lettin the grass grow under this one ;D nice work Scott ,Love the body ...its looking well ....urrmm tatty :) ,the chassis looks good too ...or not know what I mean ;D

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Making quick work!!! LOL...I like the retread buddy, but you should probably fix it. Not sure if insurgent would put up with the 'flap flap flap' as the flew down the desert highway!!! :eek:
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

LOL. Thanks dudes.

Yeah that flapping would tick off the chickens! I think I found a way to make a coop!
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

noting wrong with a worn tyre on it, great progress scott this one is really coming along
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Great work Scott

The paint job is looking beat to hell, just as it should be!

The lifting tread on the tyre looks good to me, like it's been run until its almost through to the canvas below, I would leave it as it is. I would think that truck maintenance is not the first thing on this owners mind!
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Thanks guys. I appreciate the feedback.


Would anyone have some links to good tutorials on modeling middle eastern urban settings? ie: road, curb, wall etc...
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

:eek: just catching up with this Scott! Looks fantastic, and I'm really enjoying the pics.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Great build so far Scott, just found this thread.
Have you thought about making the tyres look a bit flat due to the weight in the truck, this thread has a middle eastern setting dio and a trick for making the tyres look flat.

It's from our friendly Japanese Masters. Mad skillz :eek:

The first 4 episodes are the small dio.

Tamiya JGSDF Light Armored Vehicle & Academy UH-60L Black Hawk Tutorial 1/9 SP-14

Tamiya JGSDF Light Armored Vehicle & Academy UH-60L Black Hawk Tutorial 2/9 SP-14

Tamiya JGSDF Light Armored Vehicle & Academy UH-60L Black Hawk Tutorial 3/9 SP-14

Tamiya JGSDF Light Armored Vehicle & Academy UH-60L Black Hawk Tutorial 4/9 SP-14

Tamiya JGSDF Light Armored Vehicle & Academy UH-60L Black Hawk Tutorial 5/9 SP-14

Hope this helps buddy.

Mr Nylon McGaggles.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Thank you sir! Gonna watch those.

I have thought about adding a tire bulge and I should have done something with the rear suspension really. Maybe it's not too late to do that...the rear springs should be 'flexed'. The rear will be full of weight.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

So - a few comments to discuss. - not sure if you watched the vids...or have time to read my ramblings.

He used aluminum foil behind the headlamps. Did he glue that to paper first?? He seemed to glue it to something.

Yeah, so he takes small threaded bolts, cuts the head off, drills a hole in the rim, through the tire, tightens the nut to pull a bulge into the tire. nice. I'll do that too.

A wash with thin Vallejo paint. That's cool. Looks like dust too. (not sure if he airbrushes this as dust on the outside? - looks to be the same)- Could also use AK Dust FX, airbrush it on and then streak with the thinner.

Nice custom figures. Coolness.

Ok, the buildings. That grid pattern stuff....was that just card stock? Then he puts a stucko over that. COol. Love the cork bricks. Gotta try that, I have some material for it.

So cool watching this series. So much to learn, so many things to try. Can't wait to get time get back at this!

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

OK...did not have time yet to watch all the videos.....will try soon!!! Did catch the tire trick....that is cool! Not to mention scanning through the dio section!!! Yup...that is card stock!!

Scott Check this out for some inspiration....JT's " A Sign of the Times" This link: puts you right were he starts the dio....pretty convincing.

Here is the completed dio:
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Cool. Looks like I'll have to register to see the content...will do a bit later.

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