COMPLETE - Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Thanks for the comments.

Engine...half of one, bottom half. Nothing that you could have the hood open. Funny there's not a resin kit yet.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Thanks Spud!


Got the interior assembled and weathered tonight. Really weathered. This cab is gonna be full of garbage...paper, bottles, cans, chickens, you name it. I went extreme on this because after it's closed in I expect to loose some of it.





Just gonna stick this in here for reference for desert rust.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Beauty work Scott , nicely done on the worn in look .

She looks like she's desert ready and roamin for targets .
Nice job on the interior too.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Some one actually got that bus running again. :-\

Interior is looking real good scott
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Hi Scott, this is going great! There's some awesome ref pics arround, that's one of the best things about modern stuff I reckon.

Sorry I'm just catching up with this thread, I'm glad you like the Abrams diorama. The road and kerbing was made from 1/4" masonite. It's real easy to cut with a good carpenters saw, then you can sand it down and carve it with a sharp hobby knife or chisel. I think I added some texture with my rotary tool. The walls in that diorama were scratched from styrene, but you could use masonite for that too i think.
It's just an idea, which ever way you go I'm sure this will be an awesome scene.

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

THanks for the feedback guys. It's certainly filthy.

Working on making some printable stuff to add to the interior so I can get this closed up tonight. Still have to deal with the clear parts though...and will require some cutting. !!
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

a minimal use of GUN TAPE on the seats could be justifiable (maybe?) can't have a Well used pick up with a pristine interior ?? lol don't do it on my account !

and as for the GLASS... I know what you mean ! but maybe you should consider cutting your own ACETATE or thin clear styrene in the shapes you require for those Doors you have modified; instead of trying to retain the KIT... glass ! which could shatter in the process..... and probably too THICK now that you have cut out the interior TUB...

Keep the front and rear.. that's a given.... this way... you could even pose the windows down a bit...

Keep doing what you are doing.... Your skills are way up there now... nothing is stopping you !!!

Take care !
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Gun tape...good idea. Is that like DUCT TAPE? certain color / size??

thanks Norm.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

LOL...came across this Scott. Iraqi Police truck!! Think you are spot on Brotha'!!! Those chips are from rocks it looks like!!


For discussion purposes only
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

I keep missin the updates on this! Great work so far Scott, cant wait to see those chickens!! ;D
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

What are you doing for the glass? If this is a desert type, IE, Iraq/Afghanistan....they likely would have all the windows down anyway, so would just be front and back glass.

Shouldn't be that hard to cut. Cutting wheel in a dremel on a low speed, just one of those things....measure twice, cut once!! LOL
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Yeah, windshield and rear will be kit clear parts...others homemade and rolled down.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Oh yeah ,That interior looks like crap !! ;D ...great job ;D its looking very cool Scott ,Like the racks too .

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Thanks Chris!


The interior needs a good reason to be that dirty and the reason is the fact that these guys have been living in this truck for a while.

A was able to get a 'test shot' of a cool "Middle East Rebellion" graphic sheet from - the soon to be open and online - Armor Farm. While this isn't the final artwork it does contain some neat 1/35 diorama accessories and, IMO, is just what this truck needs.

There's a wide variety of items including boxes, newspapers, soda cans, cigarette packs, posters, currency, fast food packaging and a few other little do-dads.

This is laser printed paper and required cutting, folding/rolling and gluing. I spent a good hour preparing the items pictured below. I haven't attached anything to truck yet, just getting a feel for how it all looks. Some items, such as the box, will require a bit of pigments to give them some...depth.






Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

I really like the magazine on the dash.

*and just noticed the inner pages on the sheet...

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

I so want some of that armor farm stuff...

the junk is looking good Scott
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Thanks dudes. I'm loving this much fun to have all this freedom.

Actually, totally diggin 1/35 scale too. It's a really nice...scale.

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