Cute girl


lets kick some tires and lights some fires!
Oct 12, 2010
alright guys... here is a question for ya, though it is not much model related, and for some reason i am lead to posting these subjects, i have a question.

do you guys think girls are attracted to guys with a hard work ethic? im working at a horse farm now, and there is this girl there, real cute, once in a while i think she will crack a smile when i look at her, she is a hard worker too... not trying to toot my own horn, but i think she is attracted to my work ethic, but idk if girls find that attractive or not.
lol. dont try to be somone your not just be your self, first off do your job second get to know her she mabe a B**** and then again mabe not,

gratz on the job,
First of all Ace, don't burn out yourself. Spud right be yourself but don't blurt out to much you might scare the girl away, if she smile at you... answered back with a smile also, talk her and say Hi, First impression last
Yup....ditto...just be yourself.

Ask her out for a coffee, to get to know her better. Nothing to loose, and in the end, it is just coffee.
Elm City Hobbies said:
Yup....ditto...just be yourself.

Ask her out for a coffee, to get to know her better. Nothing to loose, and in the end, it is just coffee.

Or a red face :p
yes, girls love guys who are hard workers. I am a hard working local truck driver, and though I am young and far from bad looking, I am what you would consider fat, big, husky, whatever you want to call it. Yet at the same time I get flirted with, hit-on, looks, phone numbers, flashed, you name it. all the time. MOst of these girls women are really good looking too, so most of the time i blow it or say something stupid..does not matter much though since i am married LOL. my theory is when times are tough like they are now, single girls are looking for man that will provide them with security. So they see a man with dirty hands, a big truck, hard hat, fork_lift, etc they see a hard working man who is capable of providing for a family(probably more in their sub-conciseness).
I agree with the others, just be yourself. It just won't work if you try to be something you are not.
Not to beat the dead horse, but these guys all have the main point down.
Be yourself, first and foremost.
Take it slow, talk to her. Coffee is a relatively harmless thing to do together.
Just make it to a point, that you are not her driver or errand boy... you applied for friend ^^
good advice guys.

and trust me, i am not burning myself out! once again, not to toot my horn, but i like to work hard, thats the way i like to work, HARD! i mean its good excersize, makes me stronger, makes me feel accomplished, makes me feel good! and employers, want employees who put forth full effort in there work. i think... i think she sees this and is attracted buy it, but i am not sure. so when im on the horse farm, i work like i always do, i am usually carrying heavy things, digging holes for fence posts, focusing on my work, one time i walked into a barn, with a hay bail slung over my back, and she saw me look at her and smiled.

when ever i ask her how she is doing she is really sweet about it, asks me how i am doing, just a sweet girl buy what i see.

i will not burn myself out guys, and i plan to take this easy, and the next time i see her, what im gonna do, is just ask her to hang out as a friend, take it easy... im gonna be myself, thats what i always do. if they don't like me for me... well thats just too bad, so sad... i am me, and im not gonna change for anyone, even a pretty girl! :)
Just my 2 cents, Ace.. it seems like you sound nervous.

Keep the good work up, Man!!
Hey, Ace. Just to let you know, you're not alone. I'm hopeless at this kind of thing.

Not much can be done about it. You just have to believe in yourself and chat to her as if she were any other person. Don't put her on a pedistal so to speak.

I wouldn't say every woman is interested in a man who works hard, or earns alot of money. Most of them, but not all.

EVERY woman likes a man who can listen though.

Good luck mate. :)
i found being funy helps a LOT this is easy for me but not so for others. making them laugh is a big plus. my gf now when i first met her i told her she was prob a lazy B**** that was about 12 or 13 years ago ;D
spud said:
i found being funy helps a LOT this is easy for me but not so for others. making them laugh is a big plus. my gf now when i first met her i told her she was prob a lazy B**** that was about 12 or 13 years ago ;D

yes making them laugh can get them.
Jeez guys. It's not like they're Pokemon or some major mystery. They're just people of the female persuasion. Start thinking of them as equal, and you ought be OK. Start thinking how to catch 'one', impress 'them', or what sort of naughty things you'd like, and you won't do so well. Cause if your thinking 'one', 'them', or 'this' you aren't thinking equal.

Just talk to them about stuff you like not what you think they might like. If there's anything to it, she'll let you know.

She just may have been smiling to be polite while you were working. Stop thinking there's more. Stop thinking or daydreaming the future. Live in the now. If she smiled and you found her attractive, you should have smiled back and then you should have asked her out for coffee, lunch, or dinner.

Waiting to see if she's interested in your work ethic is well, silly, and trying to impress her. What if she worked harder than you? See the flaw in trying to impress somebody? Next time you get a smile from somebody you think is cute, try what I suggested. 'They' are just people. Stop thinking of them as 'they' or 'them' and instead just as a person. It's really that simple. 8)
Gundamhead said:
Jeez guys. It's not like they're Pokemon or some major mystery. They're just people of the female persuasion. Start thinking of them as equal, and you ought be OK. Start thinking how to catch 'one', impress 'them', or what sort of naughty things you'd like, and you won't do so well. Cause if your thinking 'one', 'them', or 'this' you aren't thinking equal.

Just talk to them about stuff you like not what you think they might like. If there's anything to it, she'll let you know.

She just may have been smiling to be polite while you were working. Stop thinking there's more. Stop thinking or daydreaming the future. Live in the now. If she smiled and you found her attractive, you should have smiled back and then you should have asked her out for coffee, lunch, or dinner.

i aint waiting, i already asked her if she wanted to hang out as just a friend for now, and she said yes, but idk when...

Waiting to see if she's interested in your work ethic is well, silly, and trying to impress her. What if she worked harder than you? See the flaw in trying to impress somebody? Next time you get a smile from somebody you think is cute, try what I suggested. 'They' are just people. Stop thinking of them as 'they' or 'them' and instead just as a person. It's really that simple. 8)
" aint waiting, i already asked her if she wanted to hang out as just a friend for now, and she said yes, but idk when... "

Ace, don't be wishy-washy. If you said just friends, that's a mixed message to her. Do you want to see if you two have potential to be more than just friends or not? You asked her to hang out, that's good, but pick something more concrete. Let's go to dinner on Wednesday. (Pick a date, a place, and a time.) She will might be busy, and if she's interested, she'll suggest a when or where.
get her cell phone number and then send her a dirty cell phone pic. thats the sure fire way to a womens heart.

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