Dark Angels GW minis

geegad said:
they look superb..there is a games work shop in my town and they have all these figures set out in a battle in the window and the level of detail in the figures and tanks is superb...do you do the roll playing or is it just for fun

Thanks for the kind words guys :)

I'm hoping to start playing the game soon, i'm already down for a small tourney in a few months so need to get at least a small 500-750pts force painted up. I have been going down to my local GW store for lessons in painting and playing......its really good fun, and even more so when its your own models i expect. lol

After this tactical squad i have a Venerable Dreadnought to do and a scout squad....then its my armies leader, in this case i've picked a Librarian (not the book reading kind :p ).

My first attempt at an energy weapon, not sure i got the colours right.....


I'm also starting to try and minimize the highlights around the edge of the armour plates and also make them more subtle, also im not sure about this idea of the white dot at the back of the eyepiece.....just looks like i missed a spot! lol

Mind you it does make the face a focal point which i guess is a good thing.

Got the last of the regular Marines painted tonight....


That just leaves me with the Sergeant and heavy weapons Marine to do then its basing....dunno what i'll use yet, this GW basing kit does look good but i dont have £25 spare atm so i may just mix a few different sizes of sand/grit and see what that looks like, also i need to decide on what colour to make the bases.


My local GW store is running a model competition this month called Deamons and Angels, i'm thinking of scratching a Company Master from an old Dark Angel captain i have found in my stash.....not sure i'll have the time to get it done by the closing date but we will see!

Thanks guys :)

Well i got the heavy weapon Marine done last night, getting in to paint the chest eagle was tricky to say the least...but im happy with the final result.

Not the best pictures im affraid.


That just leaves the sergeant to paint up, this is going to be hard as i've no idea how to paint realistic looking flesh and this will also be the first time i've painted a robe......time to get on google/youtube i think!

Had a busy day at the bench but i'm quite pleased with the end result.

The face is just a simple ink wash over a basic flesh tone, built up with several very diluted ink washes as the ink on its own made the whole face dark brown despite being already diluted. The robe i actually had fun doing despite dreading painting it, that was snakebite leather base coat then mixed in bleached bone in ever increasing amounts, then a pure white final highlight. I'm sure there must be a better way to achieve the same effect but it worked out ok.


So that's my first squad all painted up, now to just figure out what style of base to give them and whether to varnish them, i have been told that if you varnish them for gaming they can go a strange milky colour.....not sure i wanna risk that after all my hard work. ::)


Next thing is to sort out my next unit to paint......i do have a rather nice Venerable Dreadnought to paint up. ;D

Thanks mate, been thinking about bases....anyone know of a good tutorial/youtube vid on it. Thinking maybe an urban rubble as most seem to go for the good old sand/grass type and i like to be different. lol

fubar said:
Had a busy day at the bench but i'm quite pleased with the end result.

The face is just a simple ink wash over a basic flesh tone, built up with several very diluted ink washes as the ink on its own made the whole face dark brown despite being already diluted. The robe i actually had fun doing despite dreading painting it, that was snakebite leather base coat then mixed in bleached bone in ever increasing amounts, then a pure white final highlight. I'm sure there must be a better way to achieve the same effect but it worked out ok.


So that's my first squad all painted up, now to just figure out what style of base to give them and whether to varnish them, i have been told that if you varnish them for gaming they can go a strange milky colour.....not sure i wanna risk that after all my hard work. ::)


Next thing is to sort out my next unit to paint......i do have a rather nice Venerable Dreadnought to paint up. ;D


Cracking job with the skin tone. I've got it pretty easy with the Salamders as their skin is jet black I'll try and get a pic of my regular Dreadnought base coated in the morning
DB88 out
Started work on my Venerable Dreadnought today, i want him to look like he's in combat and not just stood there like he's on parade.....spent ages trying diff set ups, this is my fav so far, the idea is he's turning to engage a new target, i will also give the head a slight hint to turning to improve the feeling of motion.


Once i'm totally happy i'll glue him in place and start the work of Dark Angeling (is that a word?) him up a bit, i got the Dark Angel upgrade frame which has some nice pieces on it so i'll be able to go OTT on him i think....make him look like the seasoned Vet he obviously is! ;-)

Just a quick update.

Spent the evening assembling the sarcophagus for the pilot and getting the head at the angle i like...


While waiting for stuff to dry i started looking through my bitz box and found a rather nice pair of standards complete with banners, purity seals and braziers.....think they were part of an Inquisitor model!?!?!
But they fit in rather well and help give the model that feeling of extra importance. See what you think


Next is all the little extras off the upgrade frame....should be a painting nightmare buy the time im finished with it! ;)

Got everything finished on the Venerable tonight, quite pleased with the pose and overall look....


Dont think i can get much more from the upgrade sprue to fit really, too much more stuff and the model would look cluttered i think!

I also got my Company Master built, he's a kit bash of parts from about 3 different model kits and he's nearly as big as a Terminator now.


The two cherubs holding his cloak up and out of the way for combat worked better than i thought it would but they are made of white metal and make the whole model a bit rear heavy and he's prone to fall backwards.....I need to find something to use as a counter weight to glue under the base.
Cant have my Company Master looking like an old drunk.....thats the job of the Space Wolves! :p

I need to now work out my paint schemes, both models are members of the Deathwing so the main colours will have to be shades of bone white/brown with a few areas of Caliban green. Does anyone know a good way to get a really nice looking gold finish....i find the shinning gold paint GW does looks a bit dull to my eyes.


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