Detailed kits...


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2025
Hello I am looking on building some more as we all do and need some advice. I know there are detail parts out there for alot of kits. By the time you buy model then detail kits it can get out there as far as price.

I am looking for I guess the models that come with the details built in like engines and bays so on that you can display. More than just the outer shell so to say. I have a meng ah64d for example that came with all parts needed to display bays engines so on...

Not cheap kit upfront but I think if you bought same kit from a different manufacturer then bought all the upgrades to display different things like detail kits it would cost more overall than buying a kit with it already figured in.

I am looking for kits like that...

Thanks all
It may help if you say which genre (armour, cars, aircraft, ships, etc.) and time period (modern, Second World War, etc.).

First up, no kit will be detailed 100% true to life. For armour kits, though, you get quite a long way there with those by AFV Club and MiniArt, the latter especially if you like tanks with full interiors.
Jakko ... I would say anything military wise armor or aircraft, WW2 all the way to modern and current.
Take a look at Trumpeter's 1/16 scale armor kits with full interior.
I've only built two of them, but I give them a thumbs up for what thats worth.

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