Do your friends, colleagues or family belittle your hobby?

You haven't been made fun of until your workmates find out you dress up as star wars characters in your spare time, then your supervisor brings it up in the middle of a meeting. :'(
With your partner, like has been said before here, remind them what else you could be doing with your time and money. Spend some time down the pub and before long they'll be asking you to go back to the man cave....

If they take the pi55 out of you, take a kit to them and challenge them to complete it. If they don't take the challenge tell them you understand because it actually takes some skill.

Above all, do what makes you happy.
Yes you should do what makes you happy.

I had a girlfriend in my distant past that absolutely freaked out when she found out I build models. Her ex husband built models, and would ignore the wife to build them. She felt like a widow in her own home.

My wife is very supportive of my hobby. One of the reasons I married her.

Now when I talk to my students about my hobby, I get the rolled eyes response: ::) They are college aged, and prefer video games, drinking and other such behavior. But when I bring something into the office that I have been working on, their opinion changes and out comes the cell phones and photos are posted.

So I think what is going on is a miss conception about it. To a lot of people, why build a model when you can buy a replica that is already done? Once they see a model, they understand the differences....
"Do what makes you happy" has been said many times in this topic and I strongly beleive it.
It should be taken very seriously too; happyness is a BIG part of being and staying healthy.
Apart for our love for building stuff, we also share something else: the need to have a few minutes alone with ourselves, little interludes in our lives. As long as you keep time for the ones you love, you're good!
My wife, kids, family (and friends) understand and support my "need" for this hobby. They know how it makes me feel and they benefit from it by having a happy, present father and partner. As for the others? co-workers? Some of them are impressed but honestly, I really don't give a sh%&*. Sorry for the language :)
Remember, some people will always try to elevate themselves by bringing other down, some people will always be miserable. Maybe one day they'll find something that makes'em happy... We know we did.
Agreed; you need to have a hobby that makes you happy as long as you balance it with keeping your loved ones happy. I'm very lucky as my wife is a hobbyist, as well. She often sews or draws in the same room I model. Her sister is a "furry" so you could say we have varied hobby interests in the family. Most of my close friends model or used to, so it's not an issue with them. As has been said, once others see completed models they are usually impressed with the time and energy that goes in to creating them.
I found getting back into the hobby the first time there was a lot of "so what do you do with it when it's finished" or "you can buy them made" and the classic "toy car" comments so ignored them and kept it quiet.
There was a break after that but after a move to w bigger house and w support from my now wife I got properly into it again and found the following things help ya get through any 'styrene discrimination'
Don't hide the hobby, be proud, not only of your work but of the hobby as a whole.
Find like minded people to,discuss the hobby with, forums are fine but in person is always better.
Support ya local club, and attend displays and competitions even if you don't enter, one of the best experiences I've had in the hobby was a display for a local store at a show, and talking to random people who in many many cases said "I have a ..... Kit in the cupboard still" proving more people are interested than you think and often those who mock have either failed in the past and are jealous of you skill or their lack of commitment.

And as mentioned, there is more jokes to be made of hitting balls with sticks, standing in rivers in waterproof pants for hours on end, chasing other men around in persuit of a leather orb etc.
My friends are all supportive and show interest. I agree with the posters who have said that if anyone has a problem with your hobby and runs you down for it, it's their problem, not yours. I'd say they have some growing up to do.
when someone says crap like that too me i laugh it off and tell them that's there opinion. There not really friends if they post crap like that on fb, what you do in your time is non of there business. So enjoy the Hobby you dont build to make them happy,
My fiance loves the fact that i model, keeps me quiet, focused and out of trouble, although shes worried about my backlog of kits.

My old man got me into building models as a kid, so i was encouraged from a young age to express my self in that way.

My older bro paints 40k, so i can relate painting techniques to help him with his mini's, brings us closer as siblings.

My friends and associates are blown away by some of the stuff i thought was mediocre, so thats nice as well.

I feel sorry for anyone who is belittled for their passion. Gotta re-evaluate who surrounds you if thats the case.
It happens to me sometimes, Not at work since i run my own small business. However i have some family members who don't get the idea behind model kits. I just ignore them or if i feel nice enough i try explaining the hobby a little bit. I'm very lucky that my girlfriend is actually interested in the hobby so i get no complaints from her. The biggest issue where i live is that it's a farming community so everyone has farm related or country related hobbies so more then not they just don't understand the uniqueness of models. I'd say just keep your head up and keep building you shouldn't stop doing what you love just because someone dislikes your hobby.
Seems like most of us have someone in our lives that don't get the hobby, but it shows the resilience of us addicted to the paint and plastic which is another reason we should hold our heads high and be proud.