"Easy Pickins"

Thank you kindly, Gents, I'm trying to get the little stuff done right now so I can get this finished before the run of the next century, lol.
Ok, so yall don't think I'm slackin and all, it's really been a busy past few weeks. Snow fly is coming fast, so no time to waste. I'm trying to get the wood done between weather systems, so I'll let yall know how that works out at the first snow fly. Until then, "Easy Pickins" is on hold.


No worries, but it ain't gonna get done lookin at it, HA!
Sounds like you might have time to work once you get snowed-in.

Here the weather is finally cooling off, went to a cars-and-coffee this morning and sun was out with the temps in the low 60s. Perfect convertible conditions!
Sounds like you had an excellent day, Edbert. The leaves have all turned and are falling up here.

Yes, when the snow flies, I only need to be concerned about plowing snow, which I actually enjoy. A good Maduro cigar, some good tunes and let er rip.

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