Epoxy water help?


Active Member
Sep 15, 2011
Hi guys

Just gathering things together for the next project which will be a Schwimmwagen in water, which will be a first for me.

I was intending to go with Deluxe Materials solid water but have just looked at how much i'll need and its getting a bit pricey, does anyone know of generic 2 part clear epoxy which will do the job cheaper? or if there is another way i would be interested to hear

thanks in advance
thanks ravhin

i am actually looking to do deeper water so that the underside of the model can be seen. the deluxe product will do the trick but the amount needed to make it deep enough is going to be costly!
A quick look on E-bay - 1kg of water clear 2 part casting resin for under a tenner...

Have a look and bit of research on suitability or somewhere like Tiranti for suitable clear resins. Depends on how deep you intend, what and how you want to see though etc. If I recall, woodland scenics also make a casting resin for still water.

I will add that I have not used any, just to be clear - these are what I was thinking of for a similar project that I've sort of stuck on at the moment while distracted by something else. :D
thanks man i'll give it a look, under a tenner sounds better than over 20 quid for 350ml!
Didnt wanna start another thread for it, but I have a question regarding two part water effects / envirotex lite.

I want to create a submerged environment cutaway so you can see through the side.
My concern was with heat production and exactly how deep I could pour without risking warping of styrene and reactions to acrylic paints and enamel weathering components...
If all these are ansewred, I'll just need to verify how to lightly color the resin to resemble seawater

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