F-35B Build cont.

I'm back. Haven't been posting much because I'm waiting on my masks so I'm just working on the little things you can paint and you know there's a lot of it. I also been browsing through this website and my God you guys are serious aren't you? One guy is putting lights in a helicopter that's the size of his hand. Real wood decking on ships? Oh my god I've been gone too long. Too too long. I built the Revel Big Moe once when I was a kid. I can just imagine the kind of money one can spend building something as big as that, today.


Progress being made and looks pretty good so far. I am thinking of doing this kit myself so following.
Progress being made and looks pretty good so far. I am thinking of doing this kit myself so following.
Hey thanks. I remember I built that months ago and it turned out very nice it was just a lot of masking but worth it
Ha! Thanks for digging these pics up!

Very nice, and an interesting plane to boot.
Looks great on a shelf!

I see some of the series appearing below in the similar threads section.
Will check them out too...
recently bought the Hasegawa F-35B 1/72nd and considering sitting down and freehand the ventral serrated panels....wish me luck.

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