Falke + dioram

It's superb that You've returned to this project, and the weathering You've showed us here is absolutely mindblowing! Can't believe I'm looking at the scale model here on the pics - it looks so realistic! Thumbs up! :)
Thank you my friends for your comment’s they do encourage to do more work on this dio :)

Solander â€" I’ve never left I Just been busy lately and didn’t had much time for modeling.

Small update on the Falk.
Currently I’m preparing small items that will be added to the diorama, such as: spray paint and oil container.
With that kind of paintwork,your giving kow yokoyama himself a run for his money. ;)

Very nice work,impressive stuff. 8)
Holy cow, Biskup! Did you sculpt or scratch those rattlecans and the jug? If you did, well done, they look excellent!