First Impressions of the Magazine...


If your Dauntless build is any indication of your modeling skills then I can honestly say that I've got a lot to learn from you. Keep them coming and thanks for the step by step. I know from first hand experience how much more difficult it is to build and document your build at the same time. It takes a lot of perseverance.

I'm sure when you get to see your article in print you'll be proud of it. Sorry if I overstepped my bounds commenting on the title. Honestly, when I think of your build I think of it as a daunting task when looking at the effort it took to get it to that level. The idea of Un Daunting kind of means just the opposite to me. I also can be a bit of a smart ass and I do actually appreciate the play on words.

By the way, I love the UK and spent some of my college years there at Kingston in Surrey in 94. Nice to see a British perspective on an important and historic American aircraft.

Take care,

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my comments in a very patient and courteous way. I can understand why the aero copter was popular with modelers as the scratch building and creativity level was through the roof. Sorry if my heart was not as into reading about it as some of the other articles.

quote author=JohnSimmons link=topic=7879.msg123289#msg123289 date=1355566926]
dougsmodels said:
Tales from the Man Cave... a creative angle with the whole Mad Max futuristic car thing, and clearly very talented, creative, skilled building; honestly though I was not very interested in this type of thing and I suspect if polled many readers would not consider this type of article/choice a priority of things to know or learn about. Sorry if I seem harsh here, but when I pick this thing up...the magazine I mean, I'm looking for aircraft, armor, etc and the like... and I'm sure many of your readers will look for that too.

I agree, perhaps variety can come in different forms and hat off to you guys for going for it and putting something into the magazine that is in fact far from what you'd normally expect.

Hi Doug, first off welcome to SMA and I'm sure you'll love it here. Second thanks for picking up the mag and I'd like to reply to some of your thoughts on the mag. This won't be a lengthy reply though because a) I'm on an iPad which I find difficult to write fast on lol and b) I don't have the time!
You mention in the quote above that if polled not many readers would be interested in the article. Well I think that's wrong, I find something 'a little out of the ordinary' is a great thing to have in a mag (I can assure you that you won't find an apocalyptic zombie hunting gyro copter in any other mag) and the scratch building torch just shows the talent Scott has.

dougsmodels said:
The tankette was great. Love the pictures of the model before paint and the idea of the link to the video content. That's quite original and will be very helpful to continue the experience. The writing of the article was clear in terms of telling the reader what was going on, but not very well written in terms of holding interest. Creative writing helps to keep the reader's attention.

Mmmmm don't see anything wrong with the creative writing here, I actually laughed at the caption 'not that it would be a safe thing to do; drive around in a flame thrower with spilled fuel merely feet from an exposed flame...'

dougsmodels said:
Another great display of talent in rusty dumpsters but honestly guys two articles in a row about rusting it up and no offense to the builder who modeled the best dam looking dumpster that you'll ever see in a layout, but the subject of a dumpster is simply boring. Sorry.
I couldn't care if this was a dumpster or a wheel barrow that fact is I learnt A LOT from this article, I found the methods Iain used were great and intersecting.

dougsmodels said:
Undaunting was one of the better articles of the magazine both in terms of illustrating the build especially with photos and in terms of writing. A photo or two of the cockpit at the beginning did not really do justice to the work. I know that they're so hard to get especially of the dark coloring.
I thought the four photos of the cockpit looked fine?
dougsmodels said:
Guys from the Ground up. Very cool idea on using the foam to start up the base project, but the finished product from a magazine with this much quality stuff was...boring. You guys are kick ass with ground work and aftermarket supplies. This finished base did not look like a real show stopper and I'm sure the modeler is a real expert so that was unfortunate. It missed the mark although this column has some real potential and I"m very excited to see what's coming down the pipe.
This was one the most helpfull articles for me. I've actually used this technique shown here and it it has given me great results. "the finished base did not look like a real show stopper..." well if you read the last paragraph it explains that there will be another installment to the base, so it isn't finished at all.

dougsmodels said:
I will divert to the expertise of the sci fi guys for the sci fi article although I'm sure they'll be happy with it. I saw this model up close at a show in Connecticut and it is as good or better then it appears in the article. Very cool but I'm not too sure a ton of guys care too much about this kind of stuff. I know there will be plenty of those who will disagree and the techniques learned here were taken to heart so in all it was a success.

Finally, the war room was another column that I felt missed the mark when it came to holding my attention. I think again the quality of modeling is excellent but the idea of going off and focusing a whole column on wargaming stuff...well I'm not convinced. I understand that this is a big up and coming and already landed new area of modeling lately...just not dare I say as popular with everyone who included.

I think you'll find a lot of SMA'ers are Sci Fi nuts lol.

The War Room....well that's my column and thanks for the 'the quality of modelling is excellent...' I appreciate that. You are correct in saying that there is a new area of modelling for this scale and type, just look at AK Interactives Facebook page and see the amount of brail scale models they chuck up there on pretty much a daily basis.

dougsmodels said:
I would like to see the focus of the magazine more in the area of armor and aircraft. In fact the aircraft end was very poorly represented and other areas such as futuristic and sci fi were given too much print in my opinion. I know it's terribly hard and important to judge the potential audience for a magazine, but if the goal of the magazine is to keep selling, then what the reader wants to read about has to be the priority. I believe the majority of modelers out there and the majority of models built out contests, etc are from the WWII era and include armor and aircraft from the period.

There was a full six page article on a plane? And seventeen pages dedicated to tanks? I believe the majority of modelers out there want to read interesting articles about a broad scale of models. There are sooooooooo many magazines dedicated to armour and aircraft.
With all that said though I can only speak for myself and not Ken, Scott or any of the other great authors. Cheers Doug for taking the time out to post your thoughts.
I ordered my subscription to the mag this morning! :)
After all this discussion about it, I can't wait to finally get to see/read it!
Woo Hoo!!! Just got my copy today!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Thanks to Ken and Scott for their tireless efforts in bring this to fruition!!! I have enjoyed reading through 1/2 of it so far. My daughter stole it earlier and decided to read the whole thing ;D ;D ;D. Even the wife read my article.. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Keep up the great work and I can't wait till the next one!! ;) Oh wait...I need to finish reading this one!! ::)

Going back and not "quoting" (lol...see what I did their ::) )


Thank you for your perspective on the magazine and the articles within. Be them positive or negative, they are your honest opinions and you are entitled to them!! ;) Criticism is one of the hardest things to be able to take sometimes but it does serve its is nothing different.

I think that the editors have certainly touch on the backbone of the modeling world with this publication. A wide variety of genres covered within that is sure to draw readers in. I, like Ken, know the value of branching off into different genre of music to broaden an approach to ones own perspective on playing. This is not unlike the modeling world. Personally, I can be all over the spectrum of genres when it comes to modeling....well, not to big into the Sci-Fi stuff (yet) but that is sure to change as I can equally enjoy clicking through the builds being done here and sit back in amazement at the passion that these individuals put into their builds! That is what its about.

I know I said I would quote, but this is a quick one.

"...and I suspect if polled many readers would not consider this type of article/choice a priority of things to know or learn about."

Au contraire ;D The build:,6868.0.html 3551 hits since August. At that little show in Danburry, CT, I was around the Scalemodeladdict table for two days and I was amazed at the amount of comments the little guy got. Funny thing about model builders, some are steadfast in their beliefs in the way things are done and then their is a large group of us that take pride in what we do and what others bring to the table (as you may do too) when we don't like them. We can still respect the creativity, scratch building if not on its artistic value alone. From a readers standpoint I would say it opens doors for the your builders as well as a lot of the seasoned veterans to give it a shot, take a chance and get out of the comfort zone.

OK...I will be done for now! :p Thanks Dougie for all the input...again! It is appreciated!! I too look forward to seeing some of you builds amongst the posts here on SMA...Welcome to the HERD!!

Thanks for the info that you provided on the aero copter build. I was happy to see that many people are in fact supportive of the talent of the modeler and were at least curious enough to check in if not follow the build with intense satisfaction and excitement. I do agree with several of the points that you wrote on and perhaps my comments on this month's Man Cave gave the impression that I did not appreciate the efforts of the builder. Although the subject was not up my alley of things, it surely was for others...and it is true that much can be learned from all of the tips. I hope all of the guys at Scale Model Addict are not sore at me :-\ and especially the builders and writers. It's clear that they do know their stuff when it comes to what's popular. All of this writing and thinking about these topics has encouraged me to take a look at the magazine a few times more and re-read a couple of the articles. Dare I say Sci-Fi is starting to grow on me a bit more..? Humm I have to admit I am a history man and when it comes to history I have this realism and historically accurate thing happening. I guess that's why I lean toward war era stuff perhaps. Perhaps too I might need to broaden my viewing when it comes to webpage searches and perhaps other current hobby trends.

All is good Dougie!!! Like I said, your honest approach was actually a bit refreshing. No harm is saying what you think.

As for having another look at things and opening your view is key!!! LOL..Like the Sci-Fi...thought I would never want to build too much on the Sci-fi end of things but Once I seen some of the weather AT AT stuff and even a couple wrecks I am not too far off I think!! ::)

Being historically correct is not a bad thing either. Build what you like!! In the end, you are the one that need to be happy with the result, no matter what it is!! Be careful though...other things can be you will be building figures and rusty trucks, maybe a Gundam or two or even German armor, fresh from a firey explosion!!! LOL!!!!

Have fun!!! ;)
I just came back from holiday and saw the mag :)
It's great :) I just can't wait to start reading it :)
First-rate photography. Excellent layout. Broad topics with high detail. Gorgeous printing. Thoughtfully shipped in heavy duty cardboard flat. It would have been ruined going into my POB otherwise! Phew!

Quite excellent, guys! Congrats on a herculean effort. I'm sure the growing pains will subside quickly as you hit your stride. Cheers!
Chris S said:
Hi Doug ,

I havent yet seen the magazine myself ,it hasnt made it to my shores yet :( So I cannot comment either way on your views . However ,I just wanted to say Thank you for the positive feedback on my Dauntless article ,Im glad you enjoyed it :) . It always helps to know wether you've got it right ...or wrong , So thanks again ;)


mm...that's an odd thing isn't it? far as I know Belgium is further away from the US than Ireland, and it did make it faster over here? :-\

well I'm happy, but if I where you I should file complaint vs the Irish or British Postal services ;D

I just read the mag (twice)...I'm in awe of the talent displayed by Chris, John, the others and the SMA staff folks! The mag looks great and isn't it awesome to be in on the ground floor of something so dynamic?
I have just gone to each of the advertisers websites and in most cases placed an order. My small way of thanking them for supporting this effort.
Just a thought stepped out front and started something...putting your investment in time and money at risk...and the result is very well done. Don't feel like you have to justify or defend--or especially apologize for anything!! I'm a little taken aback at some of the critical comments so soon after your first addition. Maybe 'letters to the editor' would be more appropriate for detailed "suggestions" and just general comments in a public forum...but I'm a senior citizen with very old school ways.
From an old guy that plays with toys...Thank you Scott, Ken and everyone!!
I keep picking up my magazine and rereading's gotta be good to keep my attention for repeat reads!

I've read some of the comments about the content and what should or shouldn't be included in future issues, and I really hope the varied content of this issue carries through to the coming issues. I don't build planes, I haven't bought a tank kit, I've thought about Sci-Fi kits but have yet to buy one, but the techniques used can carry over to other builds. And how many articles can be written on muscle cars! Who knows, someone may see something different they never thought about building and a new interest is born.

As I've said in my earlier comments...keep up the great work gents, this is a fantastic magazine!

I got mine in the mail Friday. Have looked at it a few times over the weekend and really enjoyed the articles. Lots of good tips in the articles no matter what was built can be carried over to other types of builds. Glad I bought a subscription.
OK OK ! at first I was skeptical about getting the magazine for that price, but after reading all this comments, watching videos on Youtube, reading comments on Facebook, I gotta admit I am interested now, I have not even seen this magazine's content and layout, but from what I'm reading it's worth the money. Besides anything I can do to help both Scott and Ken, I will do in a heartbeat!! these guys have pour their hearts into the hobby and I think we can all appreciate that!! count me in guys I'm getting it.............. now I just gotta tell the wife, who happens to be pregnant with our first child!! ;D
I dont know who wrote the Burden of Sorrows article in this first edition of the SMA magazine (as I havent ordered my copy yet :( ), but the article got the high praises of Doctor Cranky who I really look up to in the modeling hobby so this article has to be legit. If Dr. Cranky is praising this article its the real deal and whoever wrote it should stand proud and know your an asset to the SMA Magazine crew. I will be ordering my subscription to the magazine, I just have to get through Christmas first. Its great to see all the praises the magazine is getting. Im reading and watching about it everywhere. So happy to see Scott, Ken and crew excelling at making this magazine a success. Thanks for all your hard work guys and after the new year I promise to get my subscription in. (Being on a fixed income sucks :( ha ha)
Rick Lawler is the man behind Burden of sorrow . It is a fantastic piece :)

hooterville75 said:
I dont know who wrote the Burden of Sorrows article in this first edition of the SMA magazine

The author, Rick Lawler is a very accomplished modeller and very well known in the armor modeling community. He has been published countless times over several years in many, many magazines, both US and international. In fact, this article is Rick's 50th published article in a modeling magazine.

Wow!! the magazine is top notch. Excellent layout The photos are of excellent quality....just amazing. I think this is now my favorite model mag out there.

Great job you guys, you should be proud. its friggin awesome!!!
I have read all the comments, saw all the intrigue.
It made me so curious that I went to order a copy of issue #1, bt when I got there, I thought, heck it sounds so good, I should just get a subscription. :)
So, that's what I did! It will be nice to have a source where helpful tips/tricks will be in one easy to find location!
I am very excited, and proud of Scott and the team who are making this happen. I am not sure how long SMA has been around, but it seems like producing a magazine, let alone a quality magazine is quite the undertaking.
As I have said a hundred times since I have found SMA, it is an awesome site filled with great people who are friendly, and very helpful. :D

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