First with the Ford Class Carrier model ?

I know this is gonna sound bogus but I sware this happened, in 2007 right before the typhoon hit Bangladesh while on the USS Kearsarge we were called to the somali coast line to aid in the recover my of a Dutch cargo ship that was taken hostage by pirates, I had awoken that morning and was heading out to the smoke deck when I saw the most stunning barren desert Coast line, confused because the prior night we had been in the Mediterranean and the scenery was much different. I found out shortly when the captain came across the ships general intercom system aka the 1 MC and informed us that we had been tasked to assist with anti piracy operations off the coast of somalia and gave us a brief summary of what we were up against. Shortly there after the ship was called to general quarters and my new view was of the cargo vessel much closer then I'd ever imagined we'd get to a civilian vessel underway and sure enough we could see on board a few local err fisherman and there fishing equipment AK brand. We had gone to GQ because they had said some not so nice things over the radio to us during negotiations and also put a few dings into are hull with there fishing equipment.

Shortly there after some nice folks from Scout sniper platoon took to are mast and assisted them with ventilating there hot headed temper.

I have one other pirate story, but I'll save it for another post
LOL , you slept thru a Suez canal transit ??

Here's the info on the 6 ship formation :
No I think I woulda remembered sleeping threw that cause it sucked horribly, maybe it wasn't the Med I gotta look at my cruise book the previous port of call prior to this adventure was turkey we had just left it had to be the red sea lots of off shore oil rigs at night, after dealing with the pirates the typhoon hit Bangladesh and we hualed ass immediately straight for the bay of Bengal, but to be fair I wasn't exactly privileged enough to know we're the boat was half the time. The Suez transit took like 16 hours cause we had to wait for traffic to come one way enter get to the half way point stop allow traffic to pass and continue on. We also got Shell backed around this time
Yeah , it took us like 15 hours going south since northbound traffic has the right of way .
We hauled azz going north .
Going south the ship was locked down with Marines in makeshift gun emplacements on the sponsons and gunships orbiting our transit , coming north I got a sunburn up there .
They were whacking golf balls out into the desert from the flight deck .
Oh yeah ,
you said " I had awoken that morning and was heading out to the smoke deck ..."

For cigs ?
I thought the Navy went smoke free .
They were threatening to do it back when I left in '91 .
:D all the smokers in my division were freaking out

Testing the P-51 aboard USS Shangri-La
November 1944
USS Chancellorsville amid a replenishment-at-sea with the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.

USS Chancellorsville CG-62
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