Flak 37 Auf Selbstfaurlafette

haha , what is the minor difference ?
It's an AC generator that still needs to rectify the output to DC to charge batts .
I think that might be where that alternator name comes in , huh ?
what is the minor difference ?
Minor as in incompatible. They both charged the battery yes, but equating them at that point is like saying a supercharger and a turbocharger are the same thing in that they both increase air-density.

Generators bolted onto motors was a pre-1960s thing, for the most part.
dude ,
an alternator IS a generator .
" incompatible " ?
It's the same machine .
They are not the same, other than they both generate electricity.

Stick to your chemistry and steer clear of automotive tech.

It will cost money to convert a car that was built (OEM) with a generator over to a more modern alternator system. Millions of enthusiasts do. You must replace entire sections of the wiring harness and an entirely different system of voltage regulators must be installed.
An alternator is a type of generator that's commonly used in vehicles, while generators can be used in a variety of applications. Both devices convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. [1, 2, 3]
Current typeAlternating current (AC)AC or direct current (DC)
Magnetic fieldRotatingStationary or fixed
Armature movementStationaryRotating
EfficiencyMore efficientLess efficient
OutputHigher outputLower output
How they work [4, 5]

A drive belt turns the alternator's rotor shaft, which spins magnets inside a coil to generate AC. [4, 5]
A conductor is rotated within a magnetic field to create a voltage difference that generates electricity. [2]
Applications [2]
  • Alternator: Used in vehicles to charge the battery and power electrical components. [2]
  • Generator: Used in portable units to power homes and other structures. [3]
Alternators are the preferred choice in most modern applications because of their efficiency and ability to produce higher currents. [2]

EDIT BY ME: Generators were used almost universally in WWII vehicles
This is funny

your little list is full of errors .
in fact , it's horribly bad across the board .

I doubt this is the place to argue this .
Bolt a generator in where an alternator was intended, or vice versa, and you fry the electrical system.

That "little list" came from the google AI, so not mine, but most 14 year old's who have turned a wrench understand.

There's no "argument" that I see, you are just wrong if you continue to say they are the same thing.
This looks like a really fun and very detailed kit. I dropped this in my Amazon list.

You always have interesting kits and they always turn out so well!
This looks like a really fun and very detailed kit. I dropped this in my Amazon list.

You always have interesting kits and they always turn out so well!
Thanks Gary, going to take a bit of time on this one. It's one of those "got to look ahead" kit's to make sure you have all the little brackets in the right place for a step way further on. Still good fun though. PM
Thanks Gary, going to take a bit of time on this one. It's one of those "got to look ahead" kit's to make sure you have all the little brackets in the right place for a step way further on. Still good fun though. PM
I do understand. I'm having a slow go on my Focke Wulf 190.

I plan to order the Flak 37 Auf Selbstfaurlafette in a couple of weeks.

I'm slowly collecting kits for a stash.
Selbstfahrlafette :) German Selbst = "self", fahren = "to drive a vehicle", Lafette = "gun mounting", so this is literally a "Self-driving gun mounting", AKA self-propelled gun in English-language terminology :)
Thanks for the translation. Pantherman
How complex is this kit?
It's not really complex, just need to always look a few steps ahead. Once you do that is when you notice the tiny position line's on the part you are building.

I found alot of dry fitting works best. The tracks look a nightmare, seems to be alot of parts for each link so I think I will build them onto the wheels as I go rather than make them first and fit later. Of course the simple answer would be to get some rubber ones and cut them to fit. Pantherman
It's not really complex, just need to always look a few steps ahead. Once you do that is when you notice the tiny position line's on the part you are building.

I found alot of dry fitting works best. The tracks look a nightmare, seems to be alot of parts for each link so I think I will build them onto the wheels as I go rather than make them first and fit later. Of course the simple answer would be to get some rubber ones and cut them to fit. Pantherman
Thank you,
I looked up the instructions on Scale Mates. Looks to be a nice kit to keep busy for a month or so.

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