This build was part of a group build for my local club. Not a bad little kit but steer wheel clear of the Colorado decals, they are absolutely awful. They maybe better in other scales but the adherence and colours are bad at this level.
The Manawatu Scale Model Club 2014 Club Group Build.
Members were given the choice of this kit or the Jaguar GTR.
The kit is fairly simple but suffers the same issues as most other small Airfix kits such as soft plastic and ridiculously large sprue gates. Thankfully flash and inappropriately placed ejector pin marks were minimal.
Except maybe under the wheel arches
Here the roll cage shoes the size of the sprue gate versus the size of the part.
Parts off and with first coat of primer, there are some fiddly lil bits for the interior of this one.
Everything either in white Army Painter primer or Minitaire Coal
Arches attached to base, tiny bit of filling needed here but nothing some extra thin and a clamp couldnt take care of.
The tyres and wheels are moulded in one piece so some homemade masks were required
First attempt was ok, needed a sharper
This was a better option for the masks
A skewer through the mask makes a good holder for painting AK Interactive tyre black.
And so the headache of the Colorado decals begin, anything more than a few seconds in room temperature water and you will lose most of your adhesive, they are also slightly off scale for this kit (even though they are sold as being for this)
This lil holder (i got mine from Micro Mark) is fantastic for decaling wheels etc.
Full set done (a spare goes in the back)
Dash etc is done, added a bit of colour to liven up a pretty plain interior.
And from the front, the struggle with the harnesses is worth it from this angle
Everything starts to look like an actual rally car with the roll cage fitted
Onto the body, Tamiya white rattle can primer on.
These parts were cleaned up ready to be painted black
While this was happening I decided a lil base would not hurt so used a base for minis/wargaming that depicted a cobblestone street, primed it black for shadow
Some fairly heavy drybrushing with a darkish grey picked out the stones
Some of the stones were picked out with a lighter shade
After a flatcoat I was happy with the results
Some masking tape used as a guide for where the tyres would run across this section of road
The unworn parts were covered in watered down pva and some woodland senics burnt grass was sprikled on
Once it was dry the excess was removed
Back to the body, another coat of the white primer and then tamiya clear
These parts will be attached once the decals have been applied
And the first of the body decals goes on, you can see here how bad the fit is. You may blame the curved surface but ive had aircraft and bike kits with far better decal fit
Roof decal on, the pilars are very wide, lots of microsol needed here.
The sides on (yes, the entire side is one decal)
After half a bottle of Microsol and MicroSet everything is settling down finally.
Masking fluid on the tail lights before a spray with tamiya clear red
Windscreen masked and sprayed black (reference shows the top 3rd of the windscreen is blacked out)
Decals on the side glass, effortless, the only ones in the kit that were and added a nice bit of detial
Headlights fitted, here you see the issue with nothing behind them, darkness
Nothing a bit of silver tape cant fix
Yup, much better
Rear wing done w decals
Body being attached to chassis, lil bit of weight was needed
I decided to have a go at masking off where the wipers would clean away any dust and dirt on the car
The finished kit inc base and weathering.
The Manawatu Scale Model Club 2014 Club Group Build.
Members were given the choice of this kit or the Jaguar GTR.
The kit is fairly simple but suffers the same issues as most other small Airfix kits such as soft plastic and ridiculously large sprue gates. Thankfully flash and inappropriately placed ejector pin marks were minimal.
Except maybe under the wheel arches
Here the roll cage shoes the size of the sprue gate versus the size of the part.
Parts off and with first coat of primer, there are some fiddly lil bits for the interior of this one.
Everything either in white Army Painter primer or Minitaire Coal
Arches attached to base, tiny bit of filling needed here but nothing some extra thin and a clamp couldnt take care of.
The tyres and wheels are moulded in one piece so some homemade masks were required
First attempt was ok, needed a sharper
This was a better option for the masks
A skewer through the mask makes a good holder for painting AK Interactive tyre black.
And so the headache of the Colorado decals begin, anything more than a few seconds in room temperature water and you will lose most of your adhesive, they are also slightly off scale for this kit (even though they are sold as being for this)
This lil holder (i got mine from Micro Mark) is fantastic for decaling wheels etc.
Full set done (a spare goes in the back)
Dash etc is done, added a bit of colour to liven up a pretty plain interior.
And from the front, the struggle with the harnesses is worth it from this angle
Everything starts to look like an actual rally car with the roll cage fitted
Onto the body, Tamiya white rattle can primer on.
These parts were cleaned up ready to be painted black
While this was happening I decided a lil base would not hurt so used a base for minis/wargaming that depicted a cobblestone street, primed it black for shadow
Some fairly heavy drybrushing with a darkish grey picked out the stones
Some of the stones were picked out with a lighter shade
After a flatcoat I was happy with the results
Some masking tape used as a guide for where the tyres would run across this section of road
The unworn parts were covered in watered down pva and some woodland senics burnt grass was sprikled on
Once it was dry the excess was removed
Back to the body, another coat of the white primer and then tamiya clear
These parts will be attached once the decals have been applied
And the first of the body decals goes on, you can see here how bad the fit is. You may blame the curved surface but ive had aircraft and bike kits with far better decal fit
Roof decal on, the pilars are very wide, lots of microsol needed here.
The sides on (yes, the entire side is one decal)
After half a bottle of Microsol and MicroSet everything is settling down finally.
Masking fluid on the tail lights before a spray with tamiya clear red
Windscreen masked and sprayed black (reference shows the top 3rd of the windscreen is blacked out)
Decals on the side glass, effortless, the only ones in the kit that were and added a nice bit of detial
Headlights fitted, here you see the issue with nothing behind them, darkness
Nothing a bit of silver tape cant fix
Yup, much better
Rear wing done w decals
Body being attached to chassis, lil bit of weight was needed
I decided to have a go at masking off where the wipers would clean away any dust and dirt on the car
The finished kit inc base and weathering.