Ford Tfc 1/35


New Member
May 5, 2010
It's my first model in years (I'm rather wargamer, so I've made lots of Shermans, Panzers, etc, but in 1/100 scale), and before I've only made some 1/48 aircrafts and painted them with Humbrol paints without any effects and weathering so I could't resist and glue the model together. I know, it's not the best way, but who cares ;).
It's first Polish Armored Car, made in 1920 from Ford Model T chasis and armored with lots of German trench shields (all 17 vehicles was used during Polish-Soviet war with some succeses, the car was small and light and very mobile, very suitable in recce misions). The model itself isn't the best one. Some historical incorrectness and some parts don't fit well. Since it's my first real model, I'm not going to correct this faults. I'm going to put the model together, fill all the gaps and focus on painting and weathering.
Model after unboxing:

And after assembling:


Now I have to fill all the gaps.

Here's link to wikipedia if would like to know more about this rather unussual vehicle ;):
Re: Forf Tfc 1/35

Wow, this looks interesting. Haven't seen anything like this before.
Cool. This is nice and unusual. Good on ya for building a kit after a long break. Nice to see people getting into this great past time after years away.
That is sweet! Can't wait to see this finished!
Thanks for the link too, very interesting.
i'm ALMOST sure i saw one of those at the tank museum in bovington :-\
it looks to be a cool kit though :)
Seen the kit many times and never got around to buying one.
Looks like a nice little build.
In Bovington? Some guys in Poland reconstruct one (based on some archival photos and only few technical schemes), maybe you saw this reconstruction.
I was quite busy last weeks, so only small update. I've finished base colours. Tomorrow after some "pre-mariage stuff" I'm going to start some weathering.
Weathering in progress - its all unknown lands for me, so it isn't so smooth as I want to, but I'm quite happy with the result. Tomorrow or on Saturday I'm going to start with pigments :).


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