You are so right my friend, at this time I am debilitated by an "angry nerve" in my right calf. Pain like I've never felt before, I mean
crawling on my hands and knees to the toilet pain.
Of course I'm pumped up on pain meds which has caused 'edema' (swelling-water build up') in both feet and calves.
I don't know what's coming next! In the mean time I can't walk, this has been going on now for five weeks.
I'm feeling as I am going to lose my bloody mind if I can't get mobile again!
Which means I am driving my poor wife crazy with my ranting and raving. After making her literally cry one night because
she felt so helpless to help me and seeing me in such pain just broke her down.
I'm sequestered to the family room sofa and YOUTUBE, she waits on me hand and foot, and never complains though she has
her own health issues too and not minor ones either.
She absolutely has unconditionally loved me for nearly fifty years now though in all this time I still can't figure out why.
She has stood by me while I resigned from a six figure govt position to move lock stock and barrel to a "mountain"
that no one ever knew existed till we bought it thirty years ago. Me and my two teen age sons at the time along with some new
friends hand built our first house and as the years passed and the boys grew up we eventually built two more homes.
We are loggers and a firewood supplier for the locals....a very tough profession and only rodeo cowboys get more injuries
So a wise elderly eastern European man that I worked with once told me your wife is the most important person in the world
to you, not your kids, not your mum but your wife.
All the best to you and your wonderful wife,