


Has anyone out there used Future over enamels??? Did you airbrush or stroke? I have a BMF
coming up and I heard it works but I'm leary.
I airbrush Future over my paint before decals. I have a second older Paashe H airbrush that I use. I just pour the Future in and away I go, clean up is with my faverite thinner isopropyl alcohol. Use very light coats or the future could fill in your panel lines. I`ve never tried to apply it with a brush.
I have used a brush in the past with future and it works pretty good as long as it isn't a huge area you are covering
But airbrush is the way to go ;)
What exactly is Future? Is it just a clear coat or what? I cant seem to find this product where I live. Darn!
Future is also called Johnsons Clear. It's floor polish. Basically it's clear gloss acrylic paint. It is used for a gloss finish coat, gloss coat prior to decals, prior to weathering. Cheap stuff - airbrushes straight out of bottle. Not recommended to leave dry in airbrush. I used it for the first time this morning actually.
Here is Matt Swann's Future writeup. Includes how to use it, what brands from what countries, all that good stuff.


I will add that I have used Future for a thinner on the long out of production line of Pactra Military Acrlyic paint and it worked excellent. Gave a semi-gloss surface that was very tough. It was sprayed over Tamiya Fine White Primer so there was excellent adheasion. Next experiment will be trying it as a thinner for Testors Model Master Acrlyic line.

HTH and God Bless,

Future has alot good things going for it,
1. It's inexpensive
2. You can mix it up with Tamiya Flat base and make your own satin coat, I just found out about the tinting it with another clear colour.
3. It dries fast
4. It smells nice

Point #4 is my favorite
I use Future, too, both on scale models as a gloss undercoat for deckling ;) and also for my figures, to seal the enamel colors. I use a brush for both applications. Once I'm comfortable enough with my airbrush, I'll try spraying it on the models. I'll second the advantages that the others have posted. I'll also add that the common size of bottle that Johnson's sells will last a long time, but be cautioned-the liquid takes on a vague tint after time. I don't know if that is a sign that it is gradually breaking down, but it doesn't seem to affect its application on a model. Plus, it's a floor wax, and I'm sure Johnson's didn't expect someone to buy a bottle and keep it as long as I have.

If you've never used it, and you're worried about how your model will look, don't worry--I use DullCote over it, and you'd never know that there's a layer of gloss enamel under the matte coat.

And around here, we can get it in almost any grocery store, in the housewares or cleaning supplies aisles, or in the department stores like WalMart or Target, also in the cleaning supplies sections. I'd try in your local grocery store; if they sell household cleaning supplies, chances are, they'll have Future/Kleer.

Hope that helps!
JMac said:
Future has alot good things going for it,
1. It's inexpensive
2. You can mix it up with Tamiya Flat base and make your own satin coat, I just found out about the tinting it with another clear colour.
3. It dries fast
4. It smells nice

Point #4 is my favorite

Good points, I have had some issues mixing it with Tamiya flat base, it tends to leave a milky haze if you go too flat. I now tend to stick with acrylic finish coats like testors.
I'm not sure if anyone has posted this link, it's a ton of info on using Future in model making (including mixing it with Flat Base).


July 15 addition - Ken, I don`t know how I missed it, but I did not see that you posted this link above. Just noticed today. Sorry, didn`t mean to come across as a jerk.

Ialarmu said:
So....Baron you have used it over enamels then?

Sorry for the late reply! Yes, I have-I think the Future actually makes the colors under it a little brighter or deeper, even those that already have a gloss finish, like gloss enamels. So for a traditional toy soldier style, it's a perfect product to use.
Well, I used Future on my P-47N that I'm working on and it works a treat! I noticed a bit of bead up on my first pass(over humbrol polished silver) so first coat went on with a brush.
2 coats before decals and one good one over the decals before weathering and so far so good.

I was worried about peeling or cracking but nothing so far so, YES! you can apply future over enamels. Again in my experiance first coats should go on with a brush as you get a shinier texture and it breaks the surface tension.

Future is Great Stuff!
I've used Future with enamels and have had no problems. It's great as a gloss coat before decals.
Ialarmu said:
JMac said:
Future has alot good things going for it,
1. It's inexpensive
2. You can mix it up with Tamiya Flat base and make your own satin coat, I just found out about the tinting it with another clear colour.
3. It dries fast
4. It smells nice

Point #4 is my favorite

Good points, I have had some issues mixing it with Tamiya flat base, it tends to leave a milky haze if you go too flat. I now tend to stick with acrylic finish coats like testors.

Lately I've come to the conclusion that Future simply shouldn't be mixed with any Tamiya product. It's generally been difficult to hit the right balance with Tamiya flat base (though I could blame my own lack of expertise for that) - but I tried mixing it with Tamiya translucent colors... forget it. It turns the whole mixture to garbage. It seems the two products just aren't compatible with each other, and I suspect that the same is true of the flat base, just the effect is more marginal...

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