Games Workshop Space Wolves Fenrisian Wolves


Active Member
Nov 6, 2010
G'Day All,

Thought I'd mix it up a bit and do some Warhammer 40K figures.
I found the Space Wolves more interesting.

i'm surprised by the molding, found the majority of seems disappeared when put together and those that are were due to how I glue the parts together.
Bit of knife work and swipe of a file and seems gone.

Primed and painted with Gunze H2 Gloss black and zenithal highlights with Gunze H1 White.

Pack's looking good.
Thanks for letting me know about the seams. I have a set here to do
G'Day All,

The pack is getting some paint today.

First up is blocking in the main colours. I varied from the traditional colour scheme for the wolves. I wanted one White and one Black, while the rest would be brown.
Based painted the white one with Vallejo Off White, the black was painted Vallejo Black Brown, while the others were painted with Citadel Mournfang Brown, Zandri Dust and BaneBlade brown. Mixing different shades with Vallejo Off White and Black Brown.


Next a wash of Seraphim Sepia to add some brown to the recesses.
I applied it to the black wolf as I wanted the Black Brown sheen to come through. Bit like the sheen seen on Black dogs and Cats.


The White Wolf was wet/dry brushed with Vallejo Off White and then the fur dry drushed with Vallejo White.
The Black Wolf was also given the wet/dry brushed treatment with Vallejo German Black Brown. Some dry brushing with Mournfang Brown and a mix of Mournfang Brown and Vallejo German Black Brown.
A dry brush of Gloss black on the fur.
The brown Wolfs had their base colours re-applied in a wet dry brush and the successive dry brushed layers of the dark browns mixed with Vallejo German Black Brown


The Eyes and Mouths need to be painted, once I get some extra paints that I need.
need to hit them with a satin or flat coat ... the flash is causing the gloss from the washes to come through to much

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