While I agree, the finish is not bad....and certainly better than some models I have painted,
the finish does have a lot of orange-peel which can easily be fixed at this stage
... if the glass isn't fixed, and the body not attached to the chassis.
If it is beyond that stage, then I say "great job" and I wish my current GT40 had this few issues.
Wet sanding with the paper I mentioned earlier can level out the paint and then with a coat of clear,
it will have a finish that better mimics a real car finish. With more work, it could even rival a show car finish.
This 1/24 Impala was painted with water based acrylics, then dusted with rattle can clear.
Then wet sanded smooth and cleared final with automotive clear.
(sorry I don't have bigger pics, these are old scans from 4x6 prints)
While being a bit too glossy to be realistic, the finish was almost dead smooth!
Cutting and polishing with compound would have perfected it, but I wasn't into that much effort with such a small scale paint job.