I'm all in for experimentation .
I don't know what you will gain from mixing Apoxie with Green Stuff , but I don't think you'll be able to combine an air dry clay with Green Stuff .
Pretty sure it would be impossible to homogenize and it wouldn't cure since it would remain encapsulated .

But you should definitely try it and see how much of a disaster it will be , ha ha .
Mixing a polymer clay into it would increase it's flexibility like any plasticizer -- but mixing it in uniformly would be key .
Eager to see what you come up with .
Last night I dug out the Green Stuff I have left over from the one package I bought many years ago .
There's still probably 3/4 of it left since I did not like it .
Somewhere here on SMA from years ago is a thread from me asking if Green Stuff should be so dense and difficult to knead .
I thought maybe I had acquired a bad batch or something ... and when it cured out less than completely hard that made me think that even more .
I was going to mix some up last night and experiment with it's flexibility / elasticity once cured , BUT , I don't enjoy dealing with it so I decided to see if you would do it instead ,