Hard to get a more modern topic than "Gaza 2024"

Just to provide an update...

I cut all the road wheels loose from the sprue and spent an entire evening cleaning them up. This kits is crazy on part-count too. Just the wheels (both sides), and you can see above that is 6 per side, plus drive, idlers (2 per side) and the return wheel, that is 74 parts!

Anyway, I discovered that the poly-caps were not in the box, without them I cannot attach the wheels so I reached out to Meng support. They are mailing me a "sprue" at no cost. Wow! It has not shipped yet, so I can say they are a bit slow, but they reach out via email every two pr three days to let me kknow it is processing. Today I got a note saying it will ship in the next few days and they'll provide a tracking number.

Any tips for sanding seams from coil springs? I'm thinking heavy coating of dust/debris after painting will cover them, that is the lazy way out. Although I respect the "I know the detail is there" crowd, I'm usually not one.

These were fairly fiddly, but those ejection marks are huuuge, instead of filling/filing them, I think they will be covered when I fill the storage bins, see above :cool:

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