I still have a whole Sunday in front of me but as this long weekend winds down it is time for another quick update one this one.
After assembling the larger section of the central deck and finishing up the bridge superstructure it was time to get the facade of the bridge's superstructure underway. First a little detail painting need to be done on the clear window sections. There is a thin molded line that surrounds each window frame. Each one of these needs to be painted. Tough job if I had to go at this by hand. Fortunately I have some K4 "Paint Off". This stuff is great in small tight areas, like cockpits, for the removal of paint to show details earlier painted and then sealed. In this case, I painted the entire clear piece in the Mahogany color I was using for the railings and steps. Next, by taking a fine pointed brush, applied some of the Paint Off to the recessed glass sections and in second, using the brush, I was able to remove the paint leaving the paited exterior.
The window section was placed into the facade and glued, using Krystal Klear. I needed this to sit for a few while it dried, so it was on to some other details.
First came some of the railing work and Davits, the curved thingies that hold up the life boats, and work my way around the entire top edge as these piece almost needed to be put on in order by how they are located to one another.
Mind the bench....which is the kitchen table. I prefer to do most of construction here as I have access to everything and everyone on the house from one central location...if I am needed. ;D
Some precarious bending on the stern area but went well with the aid of a couple small paint brushes to get the shape right.
It was time to attach the bridge section and facade now. These two section sort of interlock; the facade needed to line up and almost lock into each of the decks along the front.
Things begin to shape up quickly once most of the deck components come together.
Not to easy in this last picture to see the dark blackish-red color of the window frames, but they do show up just enough to offset the big white face of the facade of the bridge.
I have some life boats that need to be attached at the stern with some additional railing work and I will be able to start the final leg of major construction. More life boats and small sections of railing and stairs need to be fit throughout along with remaining deck bits.
As always, I appreciate you stopping by to have a look see!!! See you soon with another update!!
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