Hasegawa P51


New Member
May 18, 2012
Here is my first model. Not completely done by close.It went together pretty well and i learned a lot from it.
I ended up painting the stripes on because i ruined the sticker trying to put them on.

Hope you like...

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Hey Nitro,

That sure looks goods. Will drop in from time to time.
Thanks for taking the time, and sharing.
Oh, welcome to the 'Herd, and the boards.
Looks like a nice little build ...Keep it coming :)

Thanks guys..Quick question. What should i use to attached the canopy? I dont think CA is a good idea.

Nice work!
Canopy: White glue, or Micro Kristal Klear (white glue) is what i use. Both dry clear. use a toothpic to carefully apply it evenly. Then a lightly moistened cotton bud to clean up any that might swqeeze out.
Good finish on the model.

From the photo, I couldn't tell that the stripes were painted on ;D
Thanks for all the kind words.

Do you guys think it's too late to try some weathering?
This build has been all about learning for me so I figure if its not late I would try some.
Not too late. Try a wash (powder & water). It's the easiest in my opinion and you can't really mess it up since it can all wipe off if you don't like it. Would really give it an instant weathered look and bring out the panel lines.
Nitrobeast said:
Do you guys think it's too late to try some weathering?
This build has been all about learning for me so I figure if its not late I would try some.
Nitrobeast said:
Ok it looks like the power comes in lots of colors. Any suggestions?
I was thinking black or brown.
What were you gonna use for this?
Yeah Nitro,
Our very own Chung, does a video SBS on weathering
with powders, pastels, or chalk, as Mossy Oak was
Maybe someone could post a link to that. I am not too
savvy with that kinda thing.

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