Helen - Scale120 - 1/20

Thank you for the comments.
The Baron - I was thinking of doing some modifications to the figure but in the end I decided to leave here as she is and just stick to the painting.
Chris S - I will say it again it's your fault I'm back to oils :p But seriously thanks for that :)
I would blame Chris too for this one Lukasz!!! Hey, sorry for the late coming here...what a fantastic job you have done my friend!! She is a beauty !! I will keep my eyes open to pick up one of these someday!!! Well done!! ;)
Great work. I love how you shaded the green and the subtle shading of the skin. I never worked bigger than 28-32 mm so I am always impressed how people achieve such great results in so huge (for me) scales. I have a Doctor Who ( +Martha and Tardis) kit in 1/12th scale I am too afraid to touch :'(
Todd - Thanks mate :)

Elastirion - I know what you mean as I have figures in 1/6 scale and busts in 1/3 scale which I'm scared to start :)

Big-John - Thank you but I think it's because of the features of the figure ;)

Merseajohn - Thank you my friend :)