Hi, from Knoxville, TN

Bob T

New Member
Feb 17, 2025
Good day one and all!
Long time modeler here, living in Eastern Tennessee since retirement.

Since Dad was a modeler, I started building in my single digit years. Mostly cars.
Continue to build armor and planes during and after my time in the service. Still have a couple of survivors from those days.
But I slowed down, and only occasionally built anything in the last 15-20 years.
Got rid of my stash, (along with half our stuff), when I was forced retire, and we moved from IL.

During the pandemic, I got out all my HO train stuff, hoping to build a layout. I spent months building kits, and trying to work out a decent track plan.
And then, while shopping at the local resale shop a couple years ago, I found a stack of models, mostly amor and planes.
Forgot about the train.

I am trying to develop my skills because I have a special project I want to do.
All my early stuff was rattle cans or brush.
I got my first airbrush just 2 years ago. And used my first pigment and washes very recently.

Anyway, enough of my babble. I have tank sitting here in primer.

Best regards, and here is my Dad in the mid 50s at his bench.


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