How to create an album


Well-Known Member
Glue Member
Sep 4, 2022
Somebody, anybody!

How does that work?
Is it something I have to do or is it magically auto-created?
I'd like to upload 'albums' of "completed" work from before I joined.

You can just start a thread in Introductions and upload them there .
or , click on Media just below the Scale Model Addict at the top of the page and post away
I just found the Personal Album page, loaded images and comments, then clicked away and promptly lost it all!
Will try again.
Success! ...but only some thumbnails came through.

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Just found out why... the images that didn't render thumbnails were HUGE!

Is there a way to resize from within the album, or do I have to resize and reload?

Guess not, custom thumbnails time!
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IMHO, images attached to messages are much more useful than in albums — you have to specifically search out the albums to find those, whereas new messages just show up in the forum itself.

As for resizing them before uploading: if you use a phone or tablet, chances are you can choose to upload a smaller version in the screen where you select the images you want to upload. At least on an iPhone or iPad, anyway —see here for details (it works slightly differently in modern iOS, but the basics are the same).
Good to know about best place to post... thanks for that! I'm still exploring the site and figuring things out.
In retrospect, it sure is easier to post in a thread, and for others to find, view and comment!

IMHO, images attached to messages are much more useful than in albums — you have to specifically search out the albums to find those, whereas new messages just show up in the forum itself...
I disagree. Albums have their value, especially if you have a large number of images with a common theme. A thread works, but it will eventually get pushed down by newer posts, and the other thing is that you will likely get replies interspersed with your posts of images in that thread. Also, there may be a limit to the number of images you upload or attach to the posts in the thread. I don't think we have a limit on the number of images we can add to an album.
As far as resizing goes, I'm one of those who still uses a hosting site and links images, instead of loading them directly to a post or attaching them. I found that since I belonged to several forums, each with its own size specs for images, that it was just easier to use a hosting site than to deal with different specs from one forum to the next. There are downsides to hosting, true. I was a Photobucket customer for example, when they decided to charge linked hosting $499, and that was the only linking they would offer. I use Postimage now, and they have been known in the past to decline to repay their hosting and have had their address bought and held hostage a couple of times. But there are downsides to practically everything in life.
So, I say that an album has its use. The good thing is that we can choose to create one if we want, or to create a thread, if we want.
There is no overall limit on threads , it's just a per-post limit on images .
10 ?
probably depends on the image size .
Hmmm, new to all this, I guess I'll play it by ear... perhaps post in threads where context and conversation is important, albums as a bucket for collections or specific build.

Thanks for the feedback, opinions and tips!


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