Howdy from Cowtown!


New Member
Jul 25, 2010
Hey everyone.

I'm new. New here, and new to modeling. The first model I built was probably 30 years ago (OMG am I THAT old! ick). It was an F-14 Tomcat. It was painted white, the canopy was glued on badly, and I didn't put the decals on... The wings moved though!

I also did an aircraft carrier of some kind - it had many many little planes on it. I remeber painting a red stripe along the hull, and painting all the planes white. They never made it to the deck. :(

The last model I remember building was a half-track. I painted all the little guys with my testors paints, and did a horrible job painting the truck part.

Okay - so I have some modeling experience... but I was like 8 or 9 so I don't count it. (hopefully I've forgotten all the bad habits)

I was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta - I'm getting backing into miniature painting, and found the SMA channel on youtube and thought this might be an interesting place to hang out. I'll be upfront. I'm going to leech and syphon as much hobby knowledge as I can. I'm going to ask lots and lots of dumb questions, I'll contribute when I think I have something worthwhile to say, and I'm looking forward to entering my first SMA contest (whenever the next one happens to be!)

I guess i've rambled enough. Gotta catch up on all the forums now!

by for now...


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