"I can hold it!" (Bandai 1/72 X-wing, Red 6) [DONE!]

Re: "I can hold it!" (Bandai 1/72 X-wing, Red 6)

Here are some early pictures of Porkin's X-wing. Everything on the model is done except for maybe a final topcoat of matte varnish. I got some 3/16" acrylic rod in the mail today that I will use to mount the model to a wooden plaque.

Re: "I can hold it!" (Bandai 1/72 X-wing, Red 6)

Ah ! ,, so you are top-coating the finished model ?

I think that is best ,,, why I was curious before .

Look forward to seeing the base .
That kit base is massive :eek:

Cheers ,
Re: "I can hold it!" (Bandai 1/72 X-wing, Red 6)

No, I typically don't topcoat a model and I might not even do this one. The only reason I'm considering it is because there are couple spots that aren't as matte as I would like from varnishing over the oil.
Re: "I can hold it!" (Bandai 1/72 X-wing, Red 6)

So you would just hit those areas ?

Would love to see it close up , you always lose so much in photos .

Re: "I can hold it!" (Bandai 1/72 X-wing, Red 6)

The painting on Porkins' base is complete! I will let the paint on the base dry overnight and then give it a gloss lacquer for a smoother finish. I already have the acrylic rod cut to the proper length and then I will epoxy everything together.

Incom Corporation T-65 X-wing space superiority fighter (Red 6); Bandai 1/72 scale finished in Tamiya and Vallejo acrylics, 502 Abteilung oils, and Secret Weapon Miniatures and Tamiya pigments.


Thanks for following along!
That is stunning work! A pleasure to look at. What's more is knowing the scale. Looks far bigger than it is.
Thanks everyone!

I'm trying to figure out what to start next (outside of some commissions I have on my plate right now)... I'm either going to do Garven Dreis' X-wing (Red Leader) or the new T-70 X-wing. Right now I'm leaning towards Red Leader but that might change after I see The Force Awakens next week!
Looks outstanding!

I'm working on the same kit using the same paint scheme right now. Great to see someone else building red 6.