I need help, spam sent frommy RR account to my contacts list


Black Sheep 1

OK this has happened before and I thought I had it under control.
It seems something (or someone) is sending out SPAM email from my Road Runner account to all my contacts.
In the past, whenever this happened, I check my "sent mail" folder and there was no trace of me sending anything out.
However today is different. I found several messages sent (to the same address) at 1300 today but no otheraddress was listed.
However I got an email from a member of my local model club about this.
I've run Maccaffe on my laptop but it comes back clean.

I really don't know what to do (other than formatting my HD and re-installing Windows....uhg!).

Oh one more thing, I use Firefox (latest edition) and have the Road Runner toolbar installed.
I check my email online so I have my conversations in one place and not all over on different computers.

Should I switch back to Outlook Express?

Any suggestions?
I honestly don't know what to do about this other than contact your email service provider and tell them what's going on.

Toolbars are bad news 9 times out of 8.
tool bars are a pain in the ass there just an extension of spam. you might have had your account hacked change your password is prob one of the better things you can do to help combat this
spud said:
tool bars are a pain in the ass there just an extension of spam. you might have had your account hacked change your password is prob one of the better things you can do to help combat this

My account got hacked, and then it started just spamming the world. I changed the password and it stopped. Funny thing, each and every password I use is a sentence with numbers. So hacking my password took either a wild guess, or just dumb luck. Every single password is at least 14 characters long with multiple words.

I suggest you ditch the toolbar and change up your password.
ive used the same pw for Years an only just in the last few weeks ive started changing it on all sites i use. my gmail being hacked was the main reason for this
Sounds like a run of the mill keylogger if I've ever seen one. Malwarebytes is the key. Run it and then change your pw... in that order. Otherwise, the logger will pick up your new pw b4 you can get rid of it.
Definitely ditch the toolbar. They seem to be an open door for stuff like this.
And I would say that changing your password is definitely in order
I want to thank everytone for your input on this issue.

I've decided to ditch the toolbar and go back tousing outlook express for my email (but it was nice to have an email notifier on the same browser while online).

I've also decided it's time to upgrade the HD anyways so I'm goin got replace it with a 250GB or 320GB EIDE HD.
I think the one in the laptop is like 55GB.

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