Impressions from 13. Plastikmodellbauausstellung, Flugwerft Oberschleißheim


...we all are victims of Shermans march to the sea
Dec 20, 2010
A great Event at Munich, Germany. I get many new Ideas, there

Beside the classic airframes, they show models from all categories and sizes :)

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Luftwaffe ´46 Diorama
Notice the "Reichsflugscheibe" UFO :)

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Please notice the small figures at the Kongo and the funny Tirpitz camo :))

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Navy II

Notice the very big "Scharnhorst" model :)) My favorite there

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Some Figures.
We were chased by Lord Vader while we enjoy the models, he get us flatfooted

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... and many chances to fill up the stash. Im glad, I forgot the big purse :))

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Some very nice looking models and looks like it was a great show. Reminds me of when my club in Frankfurt a.m. hosted two day shows, lots of great models.
I see you are still not allowed to show certain things eh.

scratchmod said:
Some very nice looking models and looks like it was a great show. Reminds me of when my club in Frankfurt a.m. hosted two day shows, lots of great models.
I see you are still not allowed to show certain things eh.


Yeah, youre right, showing "certain things" were not allowed there... Its contendet, they would be not against the law, but there are always some idiots who start annoying discussions. And such shows are arranged to share good works and not for strange diskussions... :)

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