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New Member
Aug 26, 2012
While being a member of both here at SMA and Model Car Magazines forums, I would like to give SMA a prop over Model Car Magazines forum in regards to the notification of new posts. I really like and appreciate the fact that here on SMA it says NEW beside the posts that have new posts to the thread. On MCM Forum it doesn't notify you that Ive figured out so far. You just have to remember any post that you may have commented on.

This forum is very very informative and a awesome resource to find info on how to improve what your working on. Very proud to be a member of SMA. Thanks to the Admin for making this site happen as its a ton of work that may go unnoticed from a lot but know that your hard work is appreciated and respected from me on this end. Thanks guys and keep up the good work to all.
I am also a member of the Model Car Magazine forum....among others, and Scale Model Addict is by far the friendlies forum I have seen.

Then again with our crack team of admin operatives, we don't put up with a lot of BS and nonsense, which keeps it nice and friendly here.
I have ventured out to other forums, I always come back here, without a doubt my favorite forum. There just seems to be a truer since of comradery that I just dont get with other forums. SMA is true blue all the way.
MrNatural said:
I have ventured out to other forums, I always come back here, without a doubt my favorite forum. There just seems to be a truer since of comradery that I just dont get with other forums. SMA is true blue all the way.

Totally agree Sir. Scott if you ever feel Im getting out of hand (Which I dont intend or try to do) just set me back a few notches and tell me to get a grip ha ha lol. :)
I visit other forums, post a bit, comment a bit,


SMA is HOME 8)

Also, I have to agree that this is the best site as far as use-ablitey is concerned,

so simple even I can use it ;D.

Thanks Scooter Girvan and Staff

Gaggles McGee
SMA is by far the best forum I have found. Not just for the modeling world but for a few of my other hobbies as well. Scott and the management team have set the bar as far as online forums go!!!! It also doesn't hurt that Scott et all have build great relationships with the greatest people in the hobby world and therefore all the contest have great sponsors!!! ;D
I hope someday to be able to complete a build I feel is capable of being entered into a contest. I feel this hobby is a hobby where developing great technique and skill enough to complete a build capable of winning an award in a contest is something that just doesn't happen in a month or two. Building a show piece scale model is something I feel that will take years to accomplish.
As far as building for shows, I don't do that. Well... I suppose I do in away, but not with the express intent on winning awards.

I will build a certain kit to fit into a theme, but I still build it for me, and only me. As long as I am happy with it, any awards it might receive is just a bonus, and isn't what I strive for.

That being said....I try to improve myself on each kit, usually trying out something new, but again, if it gets me awards...fine, but I won't be upset and sad if I don't (unlike some people).
Scott, I understand what your saying and can truly respect your opinion. Me, myself I just wouldn't allow myself to enter a model into a contest with my skill level. I agree I build the models myself for me but I am a very competitive person. I like to push myself to extreme with everything I do. I'm OCD, knowing that I have flaws with my kit I wouldn't be content entering it in a contest. This is why I find this hobby good for me because their is always room for improvement. It grabs my attention, requires a lot of attention to detail, construction etc. Its a great challenge. Being OCD, and Bi Polar this hobby is a perfect fit for me. Not to mention with my disability there's not a lot I can do. This is a great way to occupy my time. I hope you can understand my mumble jumble lol. I at times have a habbit of rambeling on and not getting my point across lol.
Hey there Hooterville,

We are all our own worst critics. Because we are the ones that build, and painted the kit, we know where all of the flaws are.

Also something I have learned over the years is that a digital camera will pull out and amplify all of the flaws as well, ones that you didn't see, so lots of times people see pictures of their kits and get discouraged. Don't let it bother you, do what makes you happy.

I encourage everyone to go to shows, enter your kits, there is no greater experience than talking with other like minded modelers, and pick up on different techniques, go to seminars at shows if they are offered. The only way we will ever get better is practice and learning from others.

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