Re: ISD "Avenger" [WIP]
Hi, John, coming along fine, but extremely slow, buddy

I'm pretty much stuck with all those fiber optics here, heh... :

What I've finally decided was to make the usual work with fibers all connected in the ends to their LED only for the hangars and the blisters on both parts of the hull. As for the tons of lights on the side trenches and the superstructure - there is going to be only small cut-offs of fibers glued in there.
This way I'm going to catch three rabbits at once:
-this should have been much faster (I'm not so sure about that now ;D)
-this would save me meters of fiber-optics
-the light from them would not be so bright (yeah, I'm eagerly want it to be so. I've just thought, that when the lights from the inside rooms of the ship (not even the projectors placed on it's hull, just the sort of a light-leak) have same intensity as the exhaust from the main march engines with a diameter of a house - isn't that look odd???

So, as I've already mentioned, I'm in the middle of installing fibers, and that is really sucking the energy left in me for this build. Hope I complete this work by the end of this week, or I'll have to start something small and fast to distract or will be lost in the land of Skyrim for a long time
Anyway, here are some pics to keep everyone following this build updated on the current way of thing.
Ah, and can't mention the shots themselves - as they are made on the new superb camera I've got as a present on my birthday yesterday. I'm still moving around my flat in jumps of happiness ;D