Iwata Neo

Yes the posts are there. There are no insults. Criticizing your airbrush isn't insulting you. It appears you're a little touchy about your Neo. Buyer's remorse? Not my problem and don't take it out on me.

Tip dry is a fact of life with most acrylics, and can only be mitigated to an extent with a flow improver and drying retarder. I use Liquitex products which outperform most of those agents offered by the paint manufacturers. Regardless, nozzle design and machining tolerances can make certain brushes more susceptible than others to tip dry and resultant clogging. Nozzle design can also have a marked impact on ATOMIZATION. These issues diminished significantly when I moved away from Chinese brushes such as the Neo.
Nope no buyers remorse at all. I love it. Haven't had a problem with dry tip at all. I am well aware of acrylics behavior it's all I use and even the eclipse can get it from time to time. Should I toss it out? I'm sure it's the brush, couldn't be anything I was doing :). If I suddenly start having the issues you say you had I'll let you know. Until then may you have a dry tip free day. Me, I'm gonna go paint plastic with my cheap Chinese Neo.
Just received my Iwata Neo and all I can say is wow. Did a spray test and it puts my Iwata eclipse to shame. I can now spray at 10 psi no problem and spray really nice thin lines much thinner than I could get with the eclipse at 15 psi which is as low as I could ever get it to spray reliably no matter how much I thinned the paint. To quote a great movie, "I'm happier than a puppy with two peters." I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get into airbrushing, or just looking for a new brush. It's very reasonably priced. The eclipse is now relegated to primers and clear coats when I use them.
This is really interesting to me. I have an airbrush that specifies 20 PSI and up (Paasche Raptor) and I I tried to use it at lower PSI to do some misting and such. This is an interesting idea.
This is really interesting to me. I have an airbrush that specifies 20 PSI and up (Paasche Raptor) and I I tried to use it at lower PSI to do some misting and such. This is an interesting idea.
Yep, if your current brush won't do everything you need it helps to have one that will do what the other won't.

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