Jagdpanzer IV Fest WIP

ugh i hate doing decals.. now they are starting to come to life
They looking sexy...got to be my favourite part getting the decals on add life

Lee, it looks great. I have a question, being new to armor and not having done a zimmert panzer yet, how do you get the decals to fit so well?
Roy, First I spray the area where the decal will be with some Future floor polish,let dry.
While the decal is soaking i'll brush on a light coat of Micro Sol on the spot where the decal will be.
Touch the edge of the decal paper to a paper towel to drain off extra water and slide the decal in place.
When it's in position "Lightly" spread more Micro Sol on top of the decal and wait a few seconds for the Sol to soften the decal.
I take a Q-Tip that I dampened(not wet) with Sol and "very gently" roll it over the decal. This will force out the air bubbles and push the decal down in the zimmerit.

The Micro Sol will tenderize the decal so be sure you've got it lined up straight because you can't be pushing it around or it's curtains for the decal.

Practice with some extra decals on something to get a feel for it first. "GENTLE" is key word for sure.

After the decal dries put your sealer coat over the top and then do your thing. ;D

That's the way I do it and it works for me every time.
Good Luck
Tony lee
Nice & sober decaling...

Your monsters are getting to life, Dr Tony... ;D

Salud, hombre ;)
Thanks Tony. I have always use Micro Sol on aircraft. Since I came to my senses and started doing armor ;D I will continue to use it. I was thinking you had to use something stronger to get it to suck up to the zimmert better. Thanks again.
Hey Now
I got those filters on them today:


I used a combination of MIG's Brown for Dark Yellow and Tan for Tricolor camo filters.
The Brown restored the green tint in the Dark Yellow again.

Washes coming up next.
Stop by anytime
Tony lee
ya i love watching the vids on youtube its amazing seeing them in such great condidon when they are pulled froma river or bog
Amazing work as always. I hope my StuG will look half as nice.

Have you done any of the Russian TDs?
Yep I saw that recovery some time ago 8)
Only two non German SPGs, an SU-76 and a M-7 Priest. I've still got a large stash of just German SPGs left.
Would like to do the Russian SPGs one of these days too. ;D

What's Next???????
Thanks fellows
Tony lee

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