@GCB you have really nailed down the look and feel of modern war vehicles! Hands down I believe you have mastered the art of realistic weathering. Bravo good Sir, impressive work.
Thanks Barley Bop. Appreciate.
The only issue i had on this model is the tires. They look like belonging to another model. Far to big for the wheels (you can see the gap on some). But did not want to buy new ones.
Excellent finish, and what a great little rig for boonie hoppin, that would be awesome! Yehaaaaaaaaa! Gine work, G!
Just need a few more for the Army! Throw in a Husky, Buffalo, and RG-31 to do the route clearance and you got a super diorama going on...LOL. Kidding aside, outstanding work!
Just need a few more for the Army! Throw in a Husky, Buffalo, and RG-31 to do the route clearance and you got a super diorama going on...LOL. Kidding aside, outstanding work!
Only being doing models for 3 years, and I was mostly building planes.... Will get there eventually!
Started the diorama for the MaxxPro, JLTV and barn.. Will try to build some trees and add grass, rocks.. Will see how it turns out.


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