JU88-A4 Pro-Modeler from 1999


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2024
Getting started on the old kit I bought used at the model show last fall for $20. Been fiddling with all sorts of things and realized how little I know about bombers in general. So doing lots of research to catch up a bit. In the course of that I found this "model", you'll want to translate from German...


I did build up the landing gear, I must say it is nice to have something so sturdy for a change.


The ejector pin mark on the actuator will be hidden, but not the one on the front (left) in this picture. I also have some seams to deal with for sure.

While some time spent sanding might fix the tires, I realized they look like balloons (seriously Revell?), so I ordered some weighted resin ones. The ones in this kit remind me of this short film...

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I realized they look like balloons
Assuming the tyre on this museum exhibit is original, that seems accurate:

The JU88 was in service the entirety of the war, it was a good night fighter platform where the HE111 was not. So I believe what they used varied over the years, depending on manufacture, campaign, repairs, and availability

I've seen several different types of tires on them. The one you posted shows very slight tread patterns, could be the molding though as they are few and quite thin, it does seem to be very common version. The ones shown below have more pronounced tread and are also found often.



It is interesting when going image searches how often your results are of models. But there's a lot of restored ones too. I think these are inaccurate more modern tires.


But these are what I have ordered....

So I believe what they used varied over the years,
That's also the impression I got from looking for a photo of a tyre with little or no profile on it. I posted it to show you could use the Revell parts, not to imply that it's the only correct one :)

It is interesting when going image searches how often your results are of models.
Glad I'm not the only one who's noticed that. It's mildly annoying, IMHO, because I don't care to see what other people have built when I want to know details about the real thing. For subjects from the Second World War, though, what often helps a lot is to click on Tools and then say you only want black-and-white images, not colour ones.
Understood Jakko, there was something about those smooth donuts that just bothered me, however the Continental logo looks exaggerated on the resin too. I just have to build what makes me happy. I'll try to sand them down a bit, you care barely make out the logo on the maintenance photo I showed.

As I said I am not well educated on bombers, there was this step in the instructions (circled in red, click for higher-res) where I went whaaaa?

Who knew the old Junkers had an R2 unit?

Might be hard to make out, there's a recessed platform of sorts inside the fuselage with a small centering hole. There's a chocolate bar shaped thing with drizzles. A many-bladed fan. As well as a clear dome, not kidding.

Looking for pictures, particularly vintage ones, yielded poor results. However, I was happy to get to "meet" Dieter!

See his video here, jump to about 4:42 for the relevant portion.

The platform could be painted silver, as the dish appeared, but the parts provided by the kit had big gaps fore and aft. Plus, silver didnt look right, so I chose RLM02. As I was painting my "chocolate bar" dark grey like Dieter's, my tweezers performed another departure-speed launch. So I had to make a replacement out of sheet. When doing that I found most were a rusty brown color not gray, sorry Dieter.


Then there comes that dish, nothing in the kit replicated that, and I'm already stretching my scratch-building here. So I chose the middle ground and put a strip of Evergreen in there to simulate.


Looking back I wish there was not that 3/32nd overlap, but, too late. The silver fan is PE of course, the kit's plastic version had fewer blades and looked much worse.

It doesn't matter that much, the distortion of the clear plastic obfuscates much of it.


Lots of work to do on the fighting compartment. I do not think I have done a 3-man thing before, arguably the Monogram B-17 I built in the '70s would be 3+, but yeah.
This is annoying. I remembered that I have a book about the Ju 88 that I thought I'd look in to see if it mentions the thing with the clear dome, but I can't find it anymore :( It's not with my aircraft books and not with my books about German vehicles … WTF did I leave it, then?!
This is annoying. I remembered that I have a book about the Ju 88 that I thought I'd look in to see if it mentions the thing with the clear dome, but I can't find it anymore :( It's not with my aircraft books and not with my books about German vehicles … WTF did I leave it, then?!
It's the antenna for the direction finder
EZ 6

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