Hello my fellow SMA's:
If you recall I recently shared with you images of my Tamiya Spitfire IXc (1/32 scale) in progress. After putting on the remaining small bits, weathering and several coats of acrylic clear matt varnish I am ready to present my work to you.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome!!
If any one is interested I used the following for weathering:
Abtielung 502 oil sepia on the dorsal plane surface as a sludge wash plus burnt umber, umber, earth and black for highlights, dirt grime ect.
Ammo Mig panel line washes- blue dirt, dark sea blue on the ventral surface , plus Ammo PLW of dark brown, and kerosene and oil
and combination of black, burnt umber and brown oils and starship dirt oils for exhaust stains.
Tires were touched with blend of Ammo PLW dark brown and pacific dust and Tamiya weathering pastels
Chipping was done using Abtielung liquid rubber over a base coat of Mr Surface black 1500, followed by a coat of AKI exteme metal aluminum followed by the standard camo colors of the Spitfire.
Well that's

If you recall I recently shared with you images of my Tamiya Spitfire IXc (1/32 scale) in progress. After putting on the remaining small bits, weathering and several coats of acrylic clear matt varnish I am ready to present my work to you.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome!!
If any one is interested I used the following for weathering:
Abtielung 502 oil sepia on the dorsal plane surface as a sludge wash plus burnt umber, umber, earth and black for highlights, dirt grime ect.
Ammo Mig panel line washes- blue dirt, dark sea blue on the ventral surface , plus Ammo PLW of dark brown, and kerosene and oil
and combination of black, burnt umber and brown oils and starship dirt oils for exhaust stains.
Tires were touched with blend of Ammo PLW dark brown and pacific dust and Tamiya weathering pastels
Chipping was done using Abtielung liquid rubber over a base coat of Mr Surface black 1500, followed by a coat of AKI exteme metal aluminum followed by the standard camo colors of the Spitfire.
Well that's