Kit Burnout


Well-Known Member
Glue Member
Aug 25, 2024
Did you ever start a kit that you were excited about and then suffer kit burn out. You were just emotionally done with it and wanted to start something new before the kit was finished?

Maybe the PE got you down or a new kit came on the market, or your life changed in drastic ways.

How many kits have you just put in a box halfway through the build, but later went back to?

I always try to finish a kit even though I may have lost interest in it. Maybe that is not the right thing to do. the model turns out, but not well enough for me.


Finish it, box it for later or throw it all away?
Did you ever start a kit that you were excited about and then suffer kit burn out. You were just emotionally done with it and wanted to start something new before the kit was finished?

Maybe the PE got you down or a new kit came on the market, or your life changed in drastic ways.

How many kits have you just put in a box halfway through the build, but later went back to?

I always try to finish a kit even though I may have lost interest in it. Maybe that is not the right thing to do. the model turns out, but not well enough for me.


Finish it, box it for later or throw it all away?
I have boxed one kit due to lost interest and that was the F-111. There was one kit I threw away because it was unbuildable.
I usually finish the kits I start. It just may take me a little longer.
Ive plenty of abandoned projects,mostly I get a bit bored and start something new, most of them will get finished at some point, I've binned a couple usually because of a monumental cock up on my part.
Ive plenty of abandoned projects,mostly I get a bit bored and start something new, most of them will get finished at some point, I've binned a couple usually because of a monumental cock up on my part.
Yeah, I screwed up a few over the years. It happens.

Good thing the wife doesn't keep track of my model hobby expenses. If she knew that I pitched a $100 kit that I messed up, I might be in the dog house for a while.
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Emotionally done with it? No, can't say I ever have. But I have got tons of partly-built models around, most of them back in their boxes, but that's largely because I often lose interest with things when a new project worms its way to the foreground in my brain. Most of it will eventually get finished — or so I keep telling myself ;)

Anyway, the point of a hobby is to enjoy doing it, if you ask me. If you're working on a model that you're actively disliking the whole way, just call it a day with it, put it back into the box (and possibly give it to someone who does want it), then start on another that you do think you'll enjoy. This is far better, and less likely to put you off modelling entirely, than keeping going with something you don't like.
Did you ever start a kit that you were excited about and then suffer kit burn out. You were just emotionally done with it and wanted to start something new before the kit was finished?

Maybe the PE got you down or a new kit came on the market, or your life changed in drastic ways.

How many kits have you just put in a box halfway through the build, but later went back to?

I always try to finish a kit even though I may have lost interest in it. Maybe that is not the right thing to do. the model turns out, but not well enough for me.


Finish it, box it for later or throw it all away?
Yes that has occurred.
Did you ever start a kit that you were excited about and then suffer kit burn out. You were just emotionally done with it and wanted to start something new before the kit was finished?...
That's pretty much how the Shelf of Doom gets populated. I've got about a dozen builds like that, going back maybe 20 years. I've finished other builds in the meantime, but yeah, sometimes you just lose interest.

I don't throw any away, though. I'm too Dutchy to do that, it's wasteful.
I usually try to finish a build, but can see the point if your not enjoying it why carry on. Although it's a hobby there's still a thought of I won't let it beat me .
A great feeling when you have conquered some thing you were starting to hate .
Only have few shelf queens, or models of doom !
WELL i havnt had a model beat me yet in the last 30 odd yrs of modelin as its all about what will i do with my self become a coucth poatatoe no thanks

WELL i havnt had a model beat me yet in the last 30 odd yrs of modelin as its all about what will i do with my self become a coucth poatatoe no thanks

Indeed Chris, i'm another who doesn't want to end up just watching the TV.
Indeed Chris, i'm another who doesn't want to end up just watching the TV.
WELL DONE John yes best to do some model than watch the rubbish on that box as its repeats on top of repeats what crap
Did you ever start a kit that you were excited about and then suffer kit burn out. You were just emotionally done with it and wanted to start something new before the kit was finished?

Maybe the PE got you down or a new kit came on the market, or your life changed in drastic ways.

How many kits have you just put in a box halfway through the build, but later went back to?

I always try to finish a kit even though I may have lost interest in it. Maybe that is not the right thing to do. the model turns out, but not well enough for me.


Finish it, box it for later or throw it all away?
That are probably at least a dozen kits from 20% to 80% done in my shop. Usually mine isn't exactly burnout but a big stumbling block with something on the kits. I finally put a Supernatural Impala back on the bench this week from at least 2 years ago set aside because the top and bottom wouldn't mate too well. I am going to finally complete it. Almost all the painting is done and I set it aside about 10% from finishing it because of that. Many others out there too.
I've never thrown one away before, only old kits that were finished more than 10 years previously that I was not happy with, but those are not what you mean.

That said, I have a few kits that were started in the 1990s and are not finished. They are back in their boxes waiting for a muse. Might never get finished particularly some old AMT race cars, but some still hold a little interest.

I do get bored with a kit in-progress and set it aside, quite often. More accurately I get distracted by a new squirrel, or sometimes I have to wait a few days for paint to cure so I'll work on something else. To wit, these are all kits that I would say are actively being built at the same time, as in now.

Bf109 G-141/32Zoukei-MuraAircraft
Merkava IV1/35MengArmor
McLaren Mp4\41/24MengRace
Fokker D VII1/48EduardAircraft
IL2-m31/48Accurate MiniaturesAircraft
F-35 Adir1/48MengAircraft

I'll spend a few hours working on one of them, maybe a few days, and may not get back to it for a week or two. Distracted by something shiny. I think that method helps me keep my interest up, because if the interest/muse/mojo drops too low then it becomes more akin to work than enjoyment.

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