Klingon Bird of Prey (1/350 AMT/ERTL)


That which does not kill us makes us stronger !
Nov 28, 2011
I built this one last year. It's the "old" model kit, made in attack position (like it this way).

The painting process was wonderful, don't have to be precise with a Klingon starship... It was even fun to add details here and there, small panels, cables, and I added a reflective part from a bike or maybe a car (don't know, found it on the ground) to simulate the glowing of the engine.


Some pictures in the daylight

Some details... Used some cut Q-tips to make thicker the cables around the bridge.

Some mirror effect for the weapon too...

Thanks :D

I really like the glowing effect here.

Since I transported the BOP with me in the south of France I unpacked it to prepare it for a local exhibition.

Unfortunatly several small pieces and detailing I added 3 years ago are gone, missing, and I had to glue one wing and fix the weapons.

I already prepare some small pieces of styrene to replace the small missing parts and I'll certainly have to repaint here and there;
The perfect opportunity to do new pictures and present you the BOP under the sun of South France. :D

And after that I'm going to build a new one (thanks to Quaralane, his beautiful BOP inspired me for the "flight" version since I have the AMT ERTL kit with the clear disk to simulate that). :)
Here are a lot of recent pictures of my BoP.

First the missing and broke parts. I added and glued some plastic card to re-enforced the glued parts on one wing and some details aroudn the bridge.

The Klingon Bird of Prey is now ready for battle. I took a lot of pics in order to show you the details on it before paint and restauration.

Some beauty shots outside, with natural light.


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