Let me EGG-splain "Y".

Little tiny update on this build. When we went orange for the stripes, I mentioned... at least I think I mentioned... Maybe I did, maybe I didn't, but anyway what I intended to mention was that I was gonna go Tamiya "Flat Earth" as a secondary stripe.

I've done that:


I'm not sure how I feel about it? Y'all say sumthin' if y'all would choose a different color before it's too late. It's growing on me and should look much better when I get it dusted, I'm hoping. I may be getting out of hand here too, so y'all speak up.


Quote Reply
Looks great, as far as color choices, if the $#!+ fits, wear it.
Everything looks spot on.
Love the chipping effects and color as well

The only thing I might suggest is a bit of a wash in some of the areas like the "neck" and "body" area would help bring out some of the details a bit more

Of course it is possible you were planning on that anyway and just had not got around to it yet and I am just jumping the gun with a critique
Looks great, as far as color choices, if the $#!+ fits, wear it.
Everything looks spot on.

Why Thank you! You forgot the "Mr." and "Sir", but hopefully we're over that?

Love the chipping effects and color as well

The only thing I might suggest is a bit of a wash in some of the areas like the "neck" and "body" area would help bring out some of the details a bit more

Of course it is possible you were planning on that anyway and just had not got around to it yet and I am just jumping the gun with a critique

Yes, agreed, and that is in the works. I'm just making sure that everything is beat up enough under any weathering first? That would probably be on top of everything on a real one, if my sequence is proper?

Why Thank you! You forgot the "Mr." and "Sir", but hopefully we're over that?

Yes, agreed, and that is in the works. I'm just making sure that everything is beat up enough under any weathering first? That would probably be on top of everything on a real one, if my sequence is proper?

You've got the right sequence