Looking for a replica of the White House


New Member
May 19, 2021
I am trying to find someone who has a accurate replica of the White House. I am doing a shoot and need to use it for exteriors. I wasn't sure where to look and it doesn't seem to be easy to make due to the plans. We have been asking around and have only read about a very large one that toured the Presidential Libraries. I would love any suggestions or even if anyone knows other threads that I might posts on as well!
thank you for any wisdom you might have on the subject!
What sort of scale are you looking for?
Thanks Wolf Star for reaching out. We need something close to 4'x3' it can't be too small in order to light around it. I know it's a long shot but hoping to find someone who admires the design and maybe one that is a replica of the 1800's and not with the present greenery.
I can recall two.
One was the old box scale Lindberg Line kit.
Good gravy the molds on that have gotta date from the '50's and you'd be lucky if it was 1 foot long if that.
The other was a company 4D, I'm not even sure if it was made of plastic, more like a puzzle, than anything.
For nostalgia or patriotic purposes, hasn't been a popular subject. As far as details go, that would be your hang as far as building one out right. It is a fairly plain building. I do know the windows are not all trimmed the same. Every other one is different, at least across the front.
4'x3' is a much taller order. As a rough guess, that's got to be between 1/24 and 1/12 scale, perhaps? I don't know of anyone who ever produced a kit of the White House in anything close to that scale. Unless it would be someone in the doll house hobby. Most doll house furniture and kits are in 1/12 scale.
old thread I know, but...

The Glencoe model appears to be the largest plastic model available.
It's HO scale and when completed measures 17" x 4" x8"

Only way to get something 4' across is to scratch build it.

or find a model someone has built and buy it from them? - look to youtube
In fact, I found a set of plans for the construction of just such a model: https://samestudio.myinstamojo.com/product/white-house-model-making-details/

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