lovely day for a war

Besides the rest of the build, it's the little details, the trailing vine in bloom, 'morning glory'.
Besides the rest of the build, it's the little details, the trailing vine in bloom, 'morning glory'.
Thank you Brian, my Missus likes this one also, she said "for once some color and beauty unlike your usual dreadfulness"
I think it was meant as a compliment, I'm not sure. But I love her so.....

"Dreadful" she says...really? what would make her think that? PS; I do hope no ones senses are offended, after all it is only plastic;)

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If this were a movie, I'd be the one with the popcorn bag in front of my face: "Is it over yet?"
We're all adults here. Besides...

"It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it."
-- R. E. Lee
Iconic words indeed but by today's standards the premise has been face planted.
We are not only fond of war but we revel and wallow in it, we as a species lust for it to the point of fabrication
and lies and deception in order to incite it. Dilussional mad men with dreams of riches and absolute power
can brainwash entire nations....modern sophisticated "civilized" nations to go on mass murder sprees of Biblical proportions.

No my friend, the human species will wind up as crumbling fossil remans to some interstellar fossil hunter.
We eventually will destroy ourselves and most other living things on this planet, we oldsters will mercifully
be spared but our kids and Grand kids may not be so lucky

The ludicrous irony though is that the only way to achieve assured peace is to wage absolute and relentless WAR
against the powers and forces that ideologically and murderously oppose our very rite to breath.
Oh! and they're not very nice about it either Oct 7 anyone?

After the fire storms have subsided.
Any pitiful remnants, any dregs of humanity that may crawl from the cellars and ditches all around the world
finally free from the raging hell of war will embrace each other, form into communities and reach out
across the vastness of a shattered world to find others blessed with their very survival.

When they do come together they will sing "cumbiya" "Tin Soldier" and "Tiptoe through the tulips"

After a short time the two "leaders" became embroiled in a power struggle. The propaganda war
was in full swing, continuing instances of isolated violence increasing by the day. Revenge squads
backed by one side or the another roamed the streets raising absolute terror among the populous

Soon as history prescribes, the stronger will launch atrocious pograms. against the weaker.
This will lead to "detention centers" slave labor, heinous medical experimentation., and finally
some sort of "final solution"........liquidation.

Then one crisp sunny morning a young girl was playing with some friends on the beach flats
just adjacent to the little town at low tide when her eye spotted something red.
It seemed to be some sort of a shiny metal up side down cone. Soon word got out about this object
Many a folk made their way to the flats, many an expert I might add. This gathering of great minds
decided that it was one of the many food and medical supply canisters that were dropped worldwide
when they could be. The decision was made to open it. 100 megatons is a lot to deal with.



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