Ma.K Whiteknight Prototype

Yes, good start.
I like the colors, got those smooth transitions on the pants by air brushing very tinted acrylic
No isoprop alcohole needed to make her pretty

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Thanks! Actually used a Vallejo color named "Red leather" on the upholster. Great colors from Vallejo, no hazzle.
Now clean the bench and start something new.
Scratch build weird machine could be nice. Just freak out with the tons of spare parts
Had a thought an amusing pose for a pilot in a scene like this might be holding a clipboard. Doing a pre operation check list? Not at all sure this is original?
I got no story to this one. Not sure what she is up to. Climbed out of the machine and now watching something far away maybe? The head is slightly tilted from the original pose (not intended) which make it look like she is wondering about what she gaze at.

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