Well ,my Vanilla Iced cake just got a Chocolate icing ;D
I've layed up a lot of the groundwork and added some long grass ,I have to add some patchy snow and there will be more grass in the snow There will also be some dirty water running from the storm drain and more debris scattered about . The fence is only set in place and can be removed to let me work all round the dio . I had to fix the Marder in place as I wanted it set down into the mud rather than sitting on top of it ,still a few bit s to do on it too ....Phew !!!
The ground its self looks a bit dry at the minute ,but I will be giving it a very wet look when Im done .
Anyhoo ,this is how its looking
Hopefully the next update will be the last one for this ;D
Its very light as the most of that is Foam with just a layer of plaster . As for the interior ,its one of those things : you can still see the whole fighting comp tho' ,so Im not to worried
not at the mo.. i will get back into it, i hate doing a small little bit and not doing any more for an age so im going to wait till i have plenty of time