This installment is titled "The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY"
First the good.
The painting of the greys is going pretty good. There's a couple of minor spots of bleed through but all in all not bad. I may need to touch up the paint on the top in a spot or two.
Now the bad.
Some stress cracks appeared on the bottom side around the gun barrels. I thought I had this fixed before but they came back and were visible after the masking came off. The problem is that the barrels cut through not only the surface of the body but also the ribs underneath. This makes it a weak spot and when the body flexes just a bit it pulls apart along the seam. The cracks are as thin as hairs but with so light a color, and with the minimal weathering I want to do, these will be visible so I decided to try to fix them.
And the ugly...
To fix these cracks I dremeled them out and filled the gap with epoxy putty. It's a little drastic at this point with the finish paint on but i figure it's easier to fix now before weathering. Hopefully the epoxy will hold the sides together enough to prevent further cracking. My fear, of course, is that new cracks will appear in new spots now but I'm hoping with some really gentle handling it can be avoided. We'll see....
Now I'll have to mask off the front area and repaint, hopefully for the last time.[/url]
Here's the overall of the bottom side and how I layed out the grey colors there.