One of the unpleasant symptoms of (my) PTSD, I parenthesized my, because not everyone with PTSD, has the same symptoms, is my impatience. I do well for the first 2, 3 or even 4 steps, the impatience starts to set in. I start getting ahead of myself, out of step, I miss something. Even more so, when you have two sets of instructions which you have to compare as you go. In this case, II have already made two, one I've managed to save, the other is where I'm at now. For those of you who have made this or similar models, may have already picked up on the second one and I haven't figured out the best way to correct it. Also, as a side note... the torsion bars are cemented in place. Along the floor, there are two-torsion support beams (for lack of a better term) one on either side and running front to back, in which the torsion bars run through and supports where the thin part of the bar, meets the thicker part.

I am running a few solutions in my head but, need to study the instructions further. Firstly, maybe I didn't need them. There are two versions of instructions, one for no interior, and one for installing the interior. It is possible, that those parts are omitted if you build it with the interior. Further study is needed. Secondly, and I cringe, to think about it, cut through the torsion bars, install missing pieces and try and glue the torsion bars back together. Not beyond my skills, but who wants to do that? Orrrr, I might be able to cut out a slot where each bar would go through, and just slide it down over the bars. I like this option best. When I have time, I will further study each manual and make an education decision and will let you know and show you in pictures. In the mean-time, enjoy these pictures of my workspace.

While installing the torsion bars, I ran into a fitment issue. I could not get the torsion bar to line up with the hole on the opposite side, because the driver's side shock was in the way. I cut and removed the shock and installed the torsion bar and put the shock back into place and just chucked it up to a fitment issue, turns out, I have the shock facing the wrong direction. I am leaving it for now and hoping it doesn't affect anything in the future.