Thanks Chris. Not much done tonight. Just added the horns and dirty'd up the trunk a little. Going to add junk to the trunk. Actually have a spare tire in there right now. As you can see the trunk lid is fixed part way open for interest. Maybe have some pipe or exhaust hanging out??/
I also want to add a little more detail to the engine bay as the hood will remain off.
Then I am planning on making a tarp for the roof with the addition of something a little unusual. The idea just came to me a few days ago and I want to go with it. I like different. Different is good. ;D ;D ;D
Thank you Funblethumbs. I'm sure you could do the same. No magic here. If you wanted to have a go at a car model you've got lots of help on here if you need any, just ask.
Here is a few things I'm doing to detail the engine bay. They will be painted black including the wire and hose. I always find it hard to figure out where exactly all the wires go so I may have to BS a little.
Adding a little bit of junk to the trunk. The exhaust and pipe will be painted and weathered. Might add a piece of wood. Nothing too fancy as the trunk lid is only half open.
Oh yes, I must remember to dull that bumper up a bit.
It isnt really important to get all the wires and stuff in exactly the right place ,the mere fact that its there adds more realism to the engine bay and all adds to the eye candy . ...Nice junk ;D
Thank you for the kind words Schweinhund227. I'm glad it looks realistic.
I have the engine bay pretty well done. Although I suppose I should put some clamps on the rad hoses and dust up the new bits. Oh ya, I also have a heater hose floating around with nowhere to go. ;D
Got some pieces in the trunk. Hard to see the two tires in there from this photo, but they are there.