merseajohn's Anigrand 1/144 Resin Sentinal Shuttle

Very nice indeed, just got my hands on an old Lambda-class T-4a shuttle model dirt cheap on eBay, if i can make it look half as good as this i'd be well happy. :)

Keep up the great work mate.
Thanks Grendels, Scott, Ken and Fubar. Got another little video showing my (bad) pre shading on the bottom. I'm blaming the angle I had to use on the model to get it in shot on my iphone balanced on my airbrush box lol! And the quality isnt to great and I'm in an old shed and....well just watch it ::)
Anigrand 1/144 sentinel shuttle pre shade
Nice and thin lines, I so need to pick up my airbrush....

Looks good from what I can see.
Thanks Q, S & G! Got the first layer of paint down tonight, I'm using revell 371 (star destroyer grey) thinned a bit more than usual. I'm trying to build the layers up slowly using a thin mix. Its hard not to obliterate the pre shade, sometimes you dont know when to stop lol. I think to much pre shade is a bad thing so its hard to get it just right. Once its its weathered it should all tie in (hopefully) and I dont think this is going to be clean! As Solander says its a troop carrier right? In and out of battle zones... ;)
Thanks Grendels, Q and Jamaicanmodels69. Got the first layer of paint on the bottom and forgot to say that I'm using a satin enamel (this will get matted down once clear coats go on in preparation for weathering).