Merseajohn's BCI Resin 1/36 Tie Fighter

Wow thats nice of ya mate! :D I'm after a standing pilot to go next to the TIE for scale. I just mesaured a 1/35 ww2 guy and he's just under 2" high so a Tie pilot with a helmet on would be around 2 inches.
Hmm i think these models may be a little too small for that scale then.... :-[


But i'm more than happy to post you them if you wanna try em out, maybe with a bit of scratch work they may be ok?

Cheers Fubar but I dont think I could make that work :-\ thanks for going to the effort though dood.
Sry about that m8....i'll have a look in the back of the 'vault' but i dont think i have anything larger. :-[
Ok so Ive done all the painting! Just got to glue it together. Here's a quick snap taken on my phone:
Hopefully you can see the subtle (I hope) highlites and satin black panels. Hopefully this will be all assembled tomorrow ;D
Nice! And yip, subtle highlights and a very nice sheen to the black panels.
MJ ,

WoW !! Off-th-Chain !! :eek: I love th color .... It's really gonna PoP when you get to doin some weathering/ pin washes ?? Those Panels .. Man They Rock !! I love this build !! I wish I had this kit in My stash - Fo-Shizzle ! Awesome stuff !!

Lookin forward to th next update !!
Thanks Igard, and Eric thanks for the comments. I'm keeping this as clean as possible. I wanted it to look as if it had just flew out of a star destroyer on its first ever mission. So no heavy washes and almost no weathering (allthough it has been given a cold grey pin wash & has been post shaded and highlighted to add detail). Hope you like it! I'm now going to move onto the base :)
Last pic is with the first ever model I'd built the Fine Molds 1/72 scale TIE. It really shows how big this sucka is lol! Its the same scale as MPC/ERTL/AMT's Darth Vader Tie Fighter. (get building Vaders ship Eric!)
Now I really see how You've got 100% correct with the paint color, John.
It looks absolutely like the studio model. Fantastic job!
Thanks Nylonator!
Well I've recieved the base from my buddy and man is it nice! Made from slate it's treated with Linsead oil and gives a lovley mat/satin sort of finish (allthough it could be glossed up using klear etc) Nice and solid (my Tie's going nowhere) with subtle chamfered sides. It has 'Imperial Tie fighter' Engraved on it and coloured with a nice 'old' silver colour. I can get these made for any of you guys, they would look great with a tank/car etc on just PM me (hope this shameless plug is ok with Scott, I'm making no money out of this just thought I'd put it out there that I can get these made for you.) Thanks, Anyway enough blabbing here are some pics:
P.S I'll try and get some better pics once I get the camera sorted, and if the uk ever gets some sun ::)
Looks really pro m8, well done i like it a lot......she'd be welcome to serve on my ISD any time! lol


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